Words Of Distinction - "Rather" ... Or "The Rule Of Your Rather"
Contributed by Ray Scott on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Sometimes we would RATHER not do what’s best for us ... or we would RATHER do the wrong thing. In this study of the word "rather", we see that we need God to "Rule our Rather" to walk in His will and way.
¡§The Rule Of Your Rather¡¨
INTRODUCTION: We continue in our study of ¡§Words of Distinction¡¨. We have studied, and made application, to the words ¡§daily¡¨ and ¡§adoption¡¨. Today, we look at the word ¡§rather¡¨.
There are some things that we would ¡§rather¡¨ do than others ¡K AMEN?
o I would RATHER watch TV than do homework.
o I would RATHER go to Hawaii than Iceland.
o I would RATHER eat a bowl of chili than beets.
Given a choice ¡K given my ¡§druthers¡¨ ¡K I¡¦d RATHER do certain things over other things.
o TV COMMERCIAL ¡V ¡§Mother, please, I¡¦d RATHER do it myself!¡¨ ¡K ¡§Wouldn¡¦t you RATHER have a Buick?¡¨
o BUMPER STICKER ¡V ¡§I¡¦d RATHER be sailing.¡¨
BUT ¡K it isn¡¦t always BEST to DO what we¡¦d RATHER do ¡K IS IT? It isn¡¦t always BEST to HAVE what we¡¦d RATHER have ¡K IS IT? We wouldn¡¦t get much done, if we did all the time what we¡¦d RATHER be doing ¡K LIKE ¡K going to WORK vs. going FISHING. SOMETIMES, we just have to do what¡¦s BEST.
Look at Adam & Eve. They had a CHOICE ¡K to obey God or Satan. RATHER than be content with what God had given them (Paradise!) ¡K they chose to disobey God because they wanted MORE.
WE TOO, have a will of our own. Both God and Satan want to rule over our ¡§rather¡¨. We make choices every day as to who will rule over our ¡§rather¡¦s¡¨ ¡K doing what is RIGHT ¡K OR ¡K what we would ¡§rather¡¨ do. Some day. we¡¦ll have to give an account of our ¡§rather¡¦s¡¨ to God.
SOMETIMES, we would RATHER do wrong ¡K DON¡¦T WE? That¡¦s when our old nature is in control. BUT ¡K when we let God take over our new nature, we would RATHER do His will. His desires become our desires. His way becomes our way.
MOSES had this dilemma ¡K turn to Hebrews 11:24-27
The word ¡§rather¡¨ is used 60 times in the Bible. In the N.T., it comes from the Greek word ¡§mallon¡¨, which means ¡¥very, very much¡¦.
Moses had a CHOICE to make. He could have chosen the EASY way out ¡K the way of PLEASURE ¡K of RICHES ¡K of FAME. Every day, we have to give an account of our ¡§rather¡¦s¡¨ to God. Our ¡§rather¡¦s¡¨ have CONSEQUENCES, DON¡¦T THEY?
SOMETIMES, Christianity is HARD. Satan makes sure of that. It¡¦s not easy being dependable ¡K committed ¡K faithful ¡K responsible. It means doing what GOD wants ¡K PERHAPS ¡K RATHER than doing what WE want. It SHOULDN¡¦T be such a tough choice ¡K but it is!
Moses had to decide. Do what he would RATHER do ¡K the ¡§pleasure of sin¡¨ ¡K OR ¡K what God would RATHER him do ¡K ¡§suffer affliction¡¨. We make this decision every day of our lives.
What are some of the things that can INFLUENCE our decision?
1.- ¡§pleasure of sin¡¨ ¡V 11:25 - Nobody has ever said that there isn¡¦t ¡§pleasure¡¨ in sinning. If sin wasn¡¦t ¡§pleasure¡¨, we wouldn¡¦t be tempted to sin, would we? Has the Devil ever tempted you to have a root canal? Or tempted you to hit your thumb with a hammer? He only tempts us to do things that we find some ¡§pleasure¡¨ in, doesn¡¦t he?
What are some of the things that can INFLUENCE our decision?
2.- ¡§for a season¡¨ ¡V 11:25 ¡V This ¡§pleasure of sin¡¨ doesn¡¦t last. Sooner or later, you¡¦re going to ¡§reap what you sow¡¨.
o That LIE will catch up with you.
o That HABIT will have its consequences.
o That SIN will come to light, and you¡¦ll have to face up to it.
That ¡§pleasure of sin¡¨ might cost you your job ¡K your marriage ¡K your health ¡K your life. THEN ¡K we have to ask ourselves the question ¡K ¡§Was it worth it ¡K for a SEASON of pleasure?¡¨
What are some of the things that can INFLUENCE our decision?
3.- ¡§greater riches¡¨ ¡V 11:26 ¡V Moses saw that the ¡§greater riches¡¨ are ETERNAL, rather than EARTHLY. Moses looked at the BIG PICTURE. He looked BEYOND temporary satisfaction ¡K to permanent rewards. Moses looked to what would give him the greater return on his investment ¡K in the long run.
Every moment of every day, we have to give an account of ourselves to God. One day, You and I will be judged as to WHO we let RULE our ¡§rather¡¦s¡¨.
o I would RATHER read the newspaper .. than do my daily devotions ¡K JUDGMENT.
o I would RATHER stay home ¡K than go to God¡¦s house to worship Him ¡K JUDGMENT.
o I would RATHER do what feels good ¡K than do what feels right ¡K JUDGMENT.
o I would RATHER please myself ¡K than please God ¡K JUDGMENT.