Witnessing For Christ
Contributed by Leslie Trombly on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How to be Witness foe Christ.
Blessings to each one who hears this. Today’s lesson is to help your witnessing for Jesus Christ in your life on a daily basis. Each of us can be an inspirer and encourager of witnessing to others of Jesus
Christ and His glory. I will teach you how to enhance your abilities to witness to the world’s lost and to improve your witnessing skills that you already have.
To be witnesses for Christ you have to have ten important things in, on and with you at all times you:
(a) The Salvation of Christ - being born again anew in
Christ, having received the forgiveness of sins.If you are not "born again" in Christ, our Lord, you cannot be a witness to the Grace, Mercy and Love He has for all His people. Your witnessing of Christ is devoid
of these things and His great Love.
(b) The Holy Spirit - must also be within you. It is that fire that burns with desire to tell all you meet about the Lord and Savior and His free gift of Salvation. Along with being that "fire" inside you, it is also that "still small voice" you hear guiding you and giving you the words to speak as you witness.
(c) Know and Understand His Word (The Bible) - It contains the truth and in order to speak the Truth of God, You must know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of God and His Son, Jesus.You
can not witness to others without it or with partial knowledge of the truth.
(d) You must put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God (Ephesians 6:8-20) It is your defense against evil and your strength in the Word as a witness to the Glory of God.
(e) Carry the Sword of Spirit - The bible which is also having your"loins girt with truth". If you are armed with the Truth and know the truth, then speak the truth; it will be a witness unto itself.
(f) Carry the Love of Christ and Let it radiate thru you when you witness to others. There is an old saying that applies here and that is: "you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar".
(g) Be a Faithful witness - Stand firm in God and in His word and believe in what the Lord has told you..not what man has told you.
(h) Be a personal witness - Carry your own personal testimony to others of what God has done in your life.
(i) Be an Ambassador for God - Just like you protect your loved ones and defend them, so you must do in and for the Lord, your God. You do this thru ambassadorship and faithfulness in God.
(j) Actions speak louder than words - If you walk in the footsteps of Jesus, you should know that sometimes how you act,react or behave in any given situation, shows and reflects on the Lord. For example: A man comes up to you and you greet him in the Name of the
Lord and he starts cursing you. How do you react? Do you get mad and hit him or do you turn the "other cheek" as Jesus instructed you to do? Of course, the proper thing and the Godly thing to do is to turn the "other cheek". You radiate God’s love, by how you
respond to others. If you respond negatively, then you are not acting as the Lord would.
We are the bearers and witness of the Lord’s Light and Love, that all men thru Him might believe (John 1:7) In John 3:11, it says, "Verily, Verily, I say unto you, We speak that we do know, and testify that we
have also seen; and ye received not our witness." There are those who refuse to hear our witness to the Lord Jesus Christ and we should not get discouraged. There are some that are just not ready to hear it and
others that will totally refuse it. There is little we can do about it. except pray for them. They have made their choice and it is up to the Lord and themselves to change that choice. Do not be discouraged, because there will be some that listen and receive the Word. It is the parable that Jesus told when taught about the Sower and the Seed.
For all those who are His children, we are His witnesses. This is clearly pointed out in Acts 22:15. " For thou shalt be His witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard." We are His witness to the Lord’s Grace, Mercy, Pardon and Blessings. One thing that has always bothered me about some Christians and that is having been a witness to
these things, how can they remain so silent? I know that I can’t and never would. There are times I wish that I could gather all the peoples of the world together or stand on the highest mountain top and proclaim, in a loud voice, the Glory of God and all His Wonderful Blessings that He has bestowed on me, as His child. Things, I could have never imagined