
Summary: Wisdom of God has two aspects: wisdom to live on earth (earthly wisdom) and wisdom to know God. We really need God’s wisdom to know God.

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Wisdom of God has two aspects: wisdom to live on earth (earthly wisdom) and wisdom to know God. We really need God’s wisdom to know God. A saint once said, “If you can understand how the universe is created and how God sustains the great universe–that is, how God sustains the largest planets and even the smallest molecules–then you will understand God.” A scientist once stated, ” The more I learn about how the universe works or runs, the more I realise there is a magnificent God who created it.”

All big discoveries in the history of the universe point to the existence of God. God existed or lived for at least 10,000 years and built enormous galaxies even before the creation of the earth. To God, 1000 years are like one day. Time exists within God, and God is not bound by time. We can only see objects that travel at less than the speed of light, but God has mighty angels that travel at many times the speed of light. We discovered space travel around 1900, but God had planetary travel before Earth was even created. We do not fully comprehend the breadth and depth of who our God truly is.

He is so great, yet he keeps track of small birds like sparrows. Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered by God. God planned everything and made such a vast and magnificent cosmos. He has been in charge of the universe or cosmos for the last million years. Do you believe your human wisdom is sufficient to comprehend God’s majesty? With our earth-based wisdom, we observe from an earthly perspective, which is situational or surroundings-based wisdom.

Do you believe you can see and know God’s majesty with your limited earthly wisdom? It’s like trying to explain 1000 solar systems by looking at one solar system. We are simply corelating how 1000 solar systems appear by looking at one solar system. Earthly wisdom is like a little telescope with a viewing range of 1000 kilometers, but we’re trying to see 10 trillion kilometers with it. How is this possible?

Earthly wisdom is a small telescope with a viewing capability of 1000 kilometers, whereas God’s wisdom is like a powerful telescope with a viewing capability of 10 trillion kilometers or the farthest horizons.

We can only see or know God with the help of God’s wisdom. God’s wisdom places us in a position to view God in all His Glory and Majesty. We will know how great our God IS only when we receive God’s wisdom to understand and know about him.

Solomon had been granted God’s wisdom, but he primarily used it for creation and earthly wisdom. Another aspect of God’s wisdom is that we use it to know more about God. Solomon used God’s wisdom to become one of Israel’s greatest wise king, establishing a vast kingdom that ruled all nations up to Egypt and acquired enormous wealth. He wisely ruled his kingdom and safeguarded his nation, families, and people.

Because of God’s wisdom, Solomon’s kingdom was at peace. He made the right decisions, formed the right alliances, and displayed the right justice in order to expand His Kingdom. The only thing that God gave Solomon was the wisdom of God. But he used God’s wisdom to harness God’s vast power to develop and expand his kingdom into greatness. He ruled his kingdom while safeguarding his people and families. Despite his busy schedule, Solomon found time to write three thousand proverbs, compose one thousand and five songs, and speak of creational wisdom by describing birds, animals, trees, and fish.

God’s wisdom always creates time and space to accommodate extra work and responsibilities. God’s wisdom unleashes a vast potential that can transform you from where you are to being a wonderful man of God. This potential puts you on the path to exponential growth. It paves a path for you to thrive, flourish and produce remarkable discoveries in whichever field you are in. A person who has God’s wisdom is known by the peace he brings to his situations and surroundings.

A person with God’s wisdom always radiates peace in his situations and surroundings. Rich individuals have a lot of money or possessions, but a person with God’s wisdom has a lot of peace. He is surrounded by peace from the inside out and radiates peace from his life. A person with God’s wisdom shares wisdom, which leads to peace. A person who has God’s wisdom survives famine or war and is unaffected by outside turmoil’s. He is always at peace since he plans ahead of time or season.

We can maintain a work-life balance and run our family peacefully with God’s wisdom. In our busy world with complex situations and great difficulties, we can save a lot of sleepless nights, handle pressure easily, solve complex issues, and save a lot of time with God’s wisdom. Situations at home or at work are always difficult; instead of blaming yourself or the situation, ask God to give you His wisdom. His wisdom can simplify even the most complicated problem. There is no puzzle or mystery that God cannot solve. God always has a solution, no matter how hard or complicated your issue is. Most of the time, we struggle due to a lack of God’s wisdom.

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