Windows Of Joy,from The Cross To Victory
Contributed by Anthony Smith on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The use of Joy by Jesus to stay on the Cross
Windows of Joy, From the Cross to Victory. Hebrews 12:2, Looking unto Jesus, the author and finnisher of our faith, who for the Joy that was set before Him endured the Cross,despiseing the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Many Christians look at this verse and wonder, what was the Joy?, what could be joyfull about Jesus, hanging on the cross? Can we as christians see anything in our lives, which when we were under extreem preasure that was joyfull? Can we understand what Jesus was feeling and what about the writer of hebrews, did he know what Jesus was feeling ? THE BIBLE tells us ,that the scriptures were giving to men by insperation from God. So Hebrews 12:2, means exactly what it,s says. So what is it saying? FOR the joy that was set before him , the joy that was set before him was , US. God had opened up a window for Jesus to see , multitudes of saved individuals, letting his pain turn to joy in his heart. God let him see you and me in churches around the world , being delivered, being set free from the bondage of sin, being made joint heir with him in the kingdom of heaven, being alive when we were once dead. Such a wonderfull sight for Jesus. you may ask, HOW do you know this, How can it be true? WE can see many instances of joy in Christ heart , LUKE 10:21. In that hour Jesus rejoiced in sprit..., Matthew 4:11Then the devil, leaveth Him,and, behold,angels came and ministered unto Him. WONDERFULL , THE MINISTERING ANGLES OF GOD.Always there, ready to aid Jesus. At the tempation , at the garden and at the cross. Jesus, the author, the dictionary says, Author , causer, chief leader, fonder. look at finisher, Maturity, completeness. Jesus the causer and manutity of our faith.Giving us an example to follow. Jesus saw the lost , the ones without hope. The window that God had giving Him was the Window to the future. Jesus was giving hope to the Hopeless , strenght to the week, KNowledge to the ignorant, peace to the ones Who had no peace, and salvation to the world. A Window my frends, yes and much more,than a window, a future of salvation . The nails never held him there , it wasnt the roman soliders and it wasnt the high preist, it was the joy of a window . Look at Psalms for a mintue PS 42; 9 , I will say unto God my rock , why hast thou forsaken me? why go I mouring because of the opression of the enemy? Jesus had thought that his Father had forgotten him . We are not that different from Jesus, we sometimes , under pressure say and feel the same thing, Why of, God, have you delivered me unto the enemy? What have I done wrong , What sin have I commited that I may repent of it, ? We as christains generally , when something goes wrong in our lifes ,we are always looking for someone to blane and do you know it, we always blame God. Jesus was given a window to keep him on the cross and sense God is no respector of presons , dont you think that He will do the same for us. THE ANSWER IS, YES. The scriptures state that , without a vision , my people perish. My Interpretation of this verse is , without a Prophetic insight, we as christians cast off restaint, we without a vision or window to the future , forget who we serve. Our vision here or window is Jesus, HEbrews 12:2., tells us who to look at , Jesus . He set the explample for us to follow. You may have financial trouble, sickness, death in the family , enemies or whatever. but you still have a window to look through . You have a vision , a dream, a prophetic verse to read , Jesus didnt say life was going to be easy, He didnt say that is was going to be a bed of roses, He said , I was hated and so will you, by the world?, yes, but also by the adversary, He romes about seeking whom He may destroy. Some churches and pastors make the mistake of telling their congregations, that, being a christian will be easy, that all your troubles will be over when you give your life to Christ. Sorry, it wont happen, becomeing a christian is free, but decipleship will cost you everything. If Satan tryed to destroy Jesus, He will try to destroy you. The best thing about being a christian is that Jesus will always be with you. What God doesnt keep you from, He will keep you throu. Jesus had his window and we have ours. Just remember, the Joy of the Lord is my strength. A.R.Smith