
Wind The Clock

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Life is measured in meaningful moments, not just minutes. We need to be intentional with our time, eliminating time-wasting activities, seizing teachable moments, and accumulating meaningful experiences.

Wind The Clock

Youth Group Plan: Wind The Clock (Ephesians 5:16, 2 Peter 3:8)

Youth Sermon: Wind The Clock


Have you ever thought about how long you've actually lived? Not in years or days, but in moments that really matter? Dr. Tony Campolo once asked a student this question and it got him thinking. Life isn't just about the minutes we spend, but the moments we create.

Before we dive in, let's remember a few things about time. First, time is something we humans made up. God's not bound by time, He's in every moment. Second, God's got a plan for us. He's got good stuff lined up for us and He's working everything out for our good. Third, everything in life starts as a thought before it becomes a thing. This ability to imagine and create is part of being made in God's image.

Life isn't just about the minutes we spend, but the moments we create.

Managing Minutes

You can't find time, you gotta make it. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so it's up to us to use it wisely. To make the most of our minutes, we need to cut out stuff that wastes our time. Like, spending too much time on Instagram or TikTok. We can also stack our habits, like reading or praying while we're brushing our teeth or eating breakfast.

Here's a cool object lesson. Imagine your day is a jar, and you've got a bunch of rocks, pebbles, and sand to fit in it. The rocks are the important stuff, the pebbles are the less important stuff, and the sand is the time-wasting stuff. If you put the sand in first, there won't be room for the rocks. But if you put the rocks in first, the pebbles and sand can fit around them. So, prioritize the important stuff, and the rest will fit in.

Managing Moments

Managing minutes is like science, but managing moments is like art. Moments are those special times that stand out. In Greek, there are two words for time: chronos and kairos. Chronos is clock time, kairos is special moments.

To make the most of our moments, we need to look out for teachable moments. These are chances to learn and grow that pop up in our daily lives. And instead of focusing on getting stuff, we should focus on making memories. These experiences shape us and last a lifetime.


So, how can we apply this? Start by identifying time-wasters and cutting them out. Then, look for ways to stack your habits. And most importantly, be on the lookout for those special moments. Make memories, not just minutes.

Let's pray. God, help us to make the most of our time. Help us to cut out the time-wasters and focus on the important stuff. And help us to see and seize the special moments. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some time-wasting activities you can eliminate from your daily routine?

2. Can you recall a recent teachable moment? How did you respond to it?

3. What is one experience you would like to have in the coming week?

4. How can you be more intentional with your time?

5. How does understanding that God is outside of time affect your perspective on your own time?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Time Management Challenge

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