Will You Be Caught Up Or Are You Caught Up?
Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Folks, the world is getting in place to make him welcome today! You might say…well the end of the world has been predicted many times over the years and I say, yes it has but, there has never been in the history of mankind a time like we live in today. E
Will you be caught up or are you caught up?
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
And he in verse 16…is who? The antichrist that is to come is who the Bible is talking about. This man called the beast, the antichrist is a man who is filled with the spirit of Satan himself. The antichrist is the last human world dictator. Satan will be the man of the hour because he will want everyone to worship him and will go to any length to see that happen.
Folks, the world is getting in place to make him welcome today! You might say…well the end of the world has been predicted many times over the years and I say, yes it has but, there has never been in the history of mankind a time like we live in today.
Every week trouble in the Middle East…threats of nuclear war….fear of worldwide economic collapse… in need of global affordable healthcare. This man of sin, the antichrist is going to have all the answers. The world has rejected the real God but, will except a super human because we live in a humanism and self-indolence society.
Identity theft is a major problem all over the world because the world uses numbers to keep track of everything. Population, the population’s money, natural resources and track of every man, woman and child. Social Security numbers, bank card numbers, credit card numbers anything pertaining to a nation or individuals worth has a number and that number was created by human and can be found by another to take what they have.
What would be the answer?
To have that number or identity implanted into everyone and the only way to buy or sell would be to scan that chip or bar code that each human has implanted in them in person or some government official to verify it before they were allotted what was rightfully theirs. A family could have to stand in line for days to get food that is passed out by government officials to those who take that mark of the beast. Why? Because the world is not a self-sufficient society anymore. We depend on the grocery store to provide our food not the land anymore. Most would starve if they had to survive on the land. Planting a garden, canning, preserving our home grown fruits and vegetables is a down grade to most of our modern society now.
Remember what I said earlier, that the world is getting in place to make the antichrist welcome?
Getting an implant for identification purposes in an individual will be the going thing, just as a tattoo is today. Hollywood promoted this revived ancient markings on the body as the going thing and the world accepted it.
Hollywood has reintroduced many things to our society that have been around for ages, how about deception, self-esteem, adultery, horror, killing, drugs and all other filth they might promote. I’m not saying a tattoo is right or wrong but what I am saying. Are our young people paying attention to whom we follow and where we get our habits?
It’s not for us that belong to Jesus to know who the antichrist will be because, the Rapture will happen before this terrible time that is to come.
So, this message is for those who one day may find out for sure who this man is and will be made known by the numbers 666 and will be easily recognized. You have missed the Rapture!….you have been deceived by the world….you have been brought down and made to believe that you are a good person outside of Christ…don’t take that mark and beg for forgiveness.
Love in Christ Jesus, Ronnie Miller www.themillersbiblestudy.com