Will Israel Soon Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites?
Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We live in very interesting times. This week we've seen some interesting events take place . . .
Will Israel Soon Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites?
(Based upon Bill Salus’ article of a similar title in Prophesy in the News, January 2015)
January 25, 2015 CFBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker
1 We live in very interesting times.
a This week we’ve seen some interesting events take place . . .
aa (Image needed) Earlier this week, House Speaker John Boehner & Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell invited PM Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress concerning the continuation of sanctions (and new ones) against Iran if talks break down concerning Iran’s nuclear program.
bb (Image needed) On Thursday, the White House said President Barack Obama would not meet the PM when he comes to the U.S. in March, explanation was that Netanyahu’s visit fell too close the Israeli election and the Obama administration wanted to avoid the appearance of taking sides (AP)
cc (Image needed) Yemen’s government fell to Iranian backed rebels, whose slogan is “God is great. Death to America. Death to Israel.” -Yemen is where we launch our drones from to fight Al Quada in the Arabian Peninsula.
b Iran is bankrolling, arming ISIS, Al Quida in Syria, Lebenon, Yemen, and all over the Arabian Peninsula. (Image needed)
aa Week before last, an Israeli helicpotor attacked a convoy on the Syrian side of the armistice line of 1973.
bb Those killed were not Syrian, however, but five Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and several Iranian officials, including a brigadier general.
c The King of Saudi Arabia died this week (So what?)
(Image needed)
aa Saudi Arabia, like Israel, is opposed to Iran getting nuclear weapons for fear of Iran attacking them.
bb One of the reasons oil has dropped in price is because Saudi has increased production, to lower the price in an attempt to hurt Iran’s oil industry.
cc According to Wikileaks, Saudi Arabia has begged the US to strike Iran’s nuclear sites . . . we have refused.
2 These are the facts, but the burning question is: Will Israel make good on its threats to attack Iran’s vast, complex, concealed, well protected nuclear program?
a Historically, Israel has a history of putting the smack down on it’s enemies nuclear sites.
aa (Image needed) June 1981, the Israeli Air Force bombed Iraq’s nuclear program by striking the Osirak reactor of ancient Babylon.
bb (Image needed)Minutes before midnight on September 26, 2007, four Israeli F-15s and four F-16s skirted the Turkish-Syrian border (to avoid radar detection) and attacked the Al-Kibar Syrian nuclear facility.
b The answer to the burning questions is, if necessary, YES!
aa Israel takes seriously the threats of Iran’s Supreme Leader (The Ayatollah Khamenei) to destroy the Jewish people and the Land.
bb (Image needed)
Recently, the Ayatollah tweeted, “This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of #Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated.”
cc Shortly after his tweet he posted his 9-point plan to destroy Israel on his Twitter account.
c The forecast for Israel & Iran relations is bleak.
aa Truth be told, a conflict using conventional-weapons between the two nations would be preferable to the nuclear war that is certain to come if Iran’s nuclear program goes forward.
bb (Image needed)Israel operates with a Masada Mindest. (Explain Masada/Romans)
B Iran was sanctioned by many in the international community (US, EU, Japan, Australia, UN Security Council, & others) to censure its illicit nuclear activities.
1 Iran was given a November 24, 2014 deadline to cease it’s nuclear program. . . the deadline has past and the program persists.
a (Image needed) President Obama has warned Congress this week that he would veto any further legislation on sanctioning Iran saying that it would derail U.S. negotiations with the Middle East.
aa (Image needed)Senator Robert Menedez (D-NJ) criticized the Obama administration’s Iran rhetoric for sounding, “like talking points that come straight out of Tehran.”
bb In November of last year, the American midterm elections overwhelmingly electing Republicans (typically Pro-Israel and anti-Iran).
b At this time, Israel should be able to get more US approval to confront Iran than it did prior to our midterm elections.
2 The political climate is better now for an Israeli strike against Iran.
a (Image needed) This week we learned that Speaker of the House has invited the Prime Minister of Israel to speak to the U.S. Congress next month. (Unprecedented, unapproved by the White House).
b This is the geo-political case made for the potential coming confrontation between Israel and Iran. . . but what does the Bible say?
Ancient Prophecies We Need To Pay Attention To
A (Image needed: Use map I scanned for you.)About 2,600 years ago, the prophet Jeremiah foretold about the ancient territory of Elam (which is located in modern day Iran; situated in the westernmost part of the country, bordering much of the Persian Gulf).