
Summary: Fear of God is missing in our lives because of which we fear everything. When we fear God, we can live in peace in the midst of all the terrifying events that surround us. We fear something because it is powerful or has the power to harm or kill us.

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Why we fear everything else?

The reason we fear everything else, like COVID, earthquakes, and destructions, because we don’t fear God. God does not make us tremble, and we are not scared of him(reverence for God). Fear of God is missing in our lives because of which we fear everything. When we fear God, we can live in peace in the midst of all the terrifying events that surround us. We fear something because it is powerful or has the power to harm or kill us. When we fear Covid or something, it signifies that Covid is more powerful and dangerous than God, therefore nullifying God's power. When we fear God, we accept and acknowledge that He is more powerful than everything else. Its either we fear God or fear everything else.

Most of the time, our fear of God is in our words but not in our lives, because we have not seen or experienced the fearsome and angry nature of God. We haven't seen or experienced God as the most dangerous and fearsome entity. In the Old Testament, priests were scared every time they entered the Most Holy Place. If we have only know God as God of love without experiencing the terrifying and angry side of God, we have not known God completely. Maybe every now and then, we should experience the fearsome side of God in order to fear God.

The reason we don't fear God is mainly because we haven't experienced the raw power of God on a regular basis and haven't seen the angry side of God. If we experience God's raw power, we will automatically fear Him. However, this could be temporary. As a result, we must experience God's raw power on a frequent basis. When God's glory came on Mount Sinai on the third day, the people trembled (Exodus 19:16). To develop a fear of God, we must regularly experience God’s power. In Mark 4:31, the disciples were terrified more by Jesus than by the storm.

Jesus’s ability or power to calm the storm with a single line: “Peace, be still!” terrified the disciples. He calmed the storm with a single sentence; imagine if he had said, "Peace, be still, earth" the earth would have stopped its movement. He calmed the storm with a three words; imagine if he had used similar words on darkness or Satan, he could have easily removed all darkness from the earth and destroyed Satan. Jesus and His words hold such infinite power that if measured, would break or destroy all measuring instruments. No one has seen Jesus in His complete Glory and power. Ancient of Days might be one example similar to Jesus in all His Glory. Jesus holds trillions of watts of power within him, and each word he speaks carries the power and authority to create or destroy an entire planet. It’s one line or several lines from Jesus, all hold the same enormous force and authority of God.

Jesus restrained himself from using such immense power(when people mocked and mistreated him) in order to save humanity. This generation needs to terrified by Jesus while simultaneously discover His amazing love.

The fear of God is the balance between knowing the great extremes of God, mainly between God's anger and love. When we regularly experience God's power from the written word, we can live in the fear of God. Another reason we don't fear God is that we don't see or know the angry side of God. We have heard throughout our Christian lives that God is love, mercy, and compassion, but we rarely hear that God is an angry and dangerous God. In the Old Testament, it was God who gave promises to the Israelites and it was God who destroyed them when they disobeyed. Satan at most can tell some lies to deceive you, but it was God who destroyed the Israelites.

God is a fearsome and awesome entity. No one has ever seen or encountered God in His full Glory. Even though some people encountered God in His Glory, they immediately fell face down. With our sins, when we encounter God, we see an angry God( the anger is towards our sins). Because of the cross of Jesus we see a compassionate father; otherwise, he is angry God. That’s why the author of Hebrews says “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!” Hebrews 10:31. If you have asked the Egyptians who lived during Moses' time, they would tell you how deadly and fearsome Jehovah God is.

Despite doing many great things for God, many saints in their final days before death, tremble to meet God in heaven. It is because God's standards are so high and his wrath is so dangerous that even one small unrepentant sin will result in God's wrath. God can be known, but He is not familiar. Despite leading holy lives, when the prophets had visions of God, they trembled and fell face down. With sin when we approach God or God approaches us, we experience God's holiness consuming or destroying us. A saint who has walked with God for many years will know that God is a fearsome God more than a God of love.

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