
Summary: Jesus not only loves the church; He formed it. He created it. It was his idea. He launched it on the Day of Pentecost and calls us to join it.

Tony Evans said; “Don’t treat church like the Super bowl.” This is what He said: “Millions upon millions of spectators watch the Super bowl. People reorient their lives for three hours and with great intensity watch 21 men on the field go to battle. When the game is over and the winner has been determined the spectators go back to business as usual in the shirts they haven’t gotten dirty, their pants that have not gotten ruffled, and their bodies with no bumps or bruises. Spectators analyze privately every play while they sit in stands. They talk to friends and never break a sweat. Yet, the church is a team. It has a call, commission, and coach named Jesus. Jesus Christ has a lot of fans while God is calling us to be on the team, run the plays, and face the opposition face to face and our coach never loses, when you are on His team; you are on the winning team. Don’t be a fan; get on the field; be more than a fan; be a fanatic for Jesus.”

Jesus not only loves the church; He formed it. He created it. It was his idea. He launched it on the Day of Pentecost and calls us to join it.

Billy Graham said: “The Christian fellowship is not optional; its essential. The Bible teaches that the church is like a living vine with branches. It’s like living stones that are built together. To not be a part of the church is like saying, I’m in the Navy but I’m not going to go to any ship.”

In the Book of Hebrews, the writer closes the book by talking to the church. The reason why is because the major theme of Hebrews is “Faith” and God created the church to spread and propagate faith throughout the world.

Yet, what’s the church for? Today we need to identify who we are and what we are. We need to review what we do and why we do it. Without it we lose focus of how the church relates to God’s plan for our life.

Transition: What does the writer of Hebrews teach us about the church and why should I join the church?

I. It Helps Me Focus My Faith

vs. 17- “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give account. Let them do this with joy not with grief, for this would be unprofitable to you.


In verse 17 we are reminded that God does not leave us to ourselves when it comes to growing our faith; God gives us churches to join and spiritual leaders that He calls to equip and help us grow in our faith.

The word “leader” here is an interchangeable word that is often translated as “Presbyter” or “Bishop.” It provides a duel picture of a flock that follows and a shepherd who leads.

In Jeremiah 3:15 God affirms that He will provide this gift to you as He says: “And I will give you Pastors according to my heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”

The word “pastor” is found 9 places in the Bible that identifies a shepherd or overseer who is called and qualified with a God-given responsibility of watching over the souls of people and to lead the flock God has given Him responsibility to lead.

In the missionary journeys, Paul traveled and in the churches he established, left behind shepherds. In Ephesians he said: “Keep watch over yourselves and the flock of which the Holy Spirit made you overseers.” (Acts 20:28)

Jesus, actually prepared Peter to serve as the Pastor of the Jerusalem church saying: “Feed my sheep.” This was a Pastoral call from Jesus to Peter and he fulfilled it as we see him at work doing the ministry of a Pastor in Acts 1,2, 10,11 and 15.

Why does God establish teachers, leaders, and Pastors? The Bible declares it is for the purpose of “equipping the saints.” In other words, to prepare you to fulfill your role as a servant of Jesus.

The word “equip” (katartismos) means: “to furnish with all the necessary resources.”

Listen: It is important for your faith that you find a Pastor who is trustworthy to do several things:

a) Lead You (Peithesthe) Verse 17 says: “Obey and submit”- Here is a command that

gives the idea of standing up behind them, supporting them, and standing with them.

The picture is one of standing behind them and holding them up; not tearing them


b) Watch Over You- Verse 17- tells us that they “keep watch over your souls”- The main

focus of a godly Pastor is what is going on inside your soul and spirit. They are

caretakers and watchmen of truth. They will lead you to trust and take God at His Word

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