
Summary: "Why is all this happening to me? I read the Bible, pray, attend church, and tithe." This is exactly what Gideon was saying when he said, "Why then?"

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Hebrew 11:31, 32

Judges 6:1-16

"Why then" or “Where be”

Israel has been over ran by the invasion of the Midianites. This was not primarily a military invasion like that of an army invading a land. This invasion was more of a gypsy-type migration. The Midianites came into the land of Israel during harvest time and plunder the increase of the land. As a result, Israel was imprisoned and impoverished by the Midianites.

Israel cried out to God for deliverance, and an angel of the Lord appeared unto Gideon. The angel came with a proclamation of God’s care (12). However, the proclamation brought about a protest about God’s care. It was very hard for Gideon to reconcile that God was with him, and that God cares for him when providence has frowned long and hard upon him.

Less we be too hard on Gideon I have heard people say, "Why is all this happening to me? I read the Bible, pray, attend church, and tithe." This is exactly what Gideon was saying when he said, "Why then?"

Gideon’s faith is being challenged.

God often uses trials, trouble, and tribulation to challenge our faith.

I’ve never received anything by faith without it first being seriously challenged. Faith is the sole basis of all claims on anything God has provided. This is why the devil fights against faith.

Remember, God is for you when you faith is challenged. See Romans 8:28-34. Three times in four verses the words FOR US are seen.

God is FOR US.... FOR US ......FOR US. Often times we forget this, and when we do we get down, discouraged, and often defeated. Verse 31 states God is FOR US: God the Father is FOR US in verse 32, God the Son is FOR US in verse 34, and God the Holy Spirit is FOR US in verse 26.

See Psalm 56:9 and Psalm 118:6. God is FOR the believer! God is FOR you individually and FOR US collectively.

The Devil wants us to think God is against us, but the truth is God is FOR US. The believer is special to God.

However, from time to time in the Christian life there are situations and circumstances which raise questions in our minds. We wonder “why then ” or “where be.”

Now, if God be for me, why then is all this befallen me. The reason will vary from person to person and need to need, but there is always a purpose behind the problems God allows in our life.

I. God may allow trouble to happen to you to ENCOURAGE SOMEONE.

The stories of the Bible are there for us to lean upon for encouragement. See Romans 15:4.

God raised up a man by the name of Gideon to lead the people in battle against the Midianites. Now, Gideon is the most unlikely candidate for a national deliverer you could imagine. He was a farmer not a soldier. He had probably never been in a fight before. This encourages me. IT is not my ability but His ability. I am encourage by Gideon when I realize that God can use anybody (15).

Also, as we study the Bible, we observe how God helped others in their afflictions; asa result, we can take comfort knowing He will come through for us in our affliction.

We often face sickness, problems, and difficulties to encourage others. Trials and afflictions are allowed to come because we must be ground between the millstones of trials before we can be bread for the others.

See II Corinthians 1:3,4.

Trials increases usefulness in two ways:

A. First, there is a sympathy that you can now share with others

B. Second, there is a testimony that you can now share with others

II. God may allow trouble to happen to you to EXHIBIT SOVEREIGNTY.

If there had never been a lion’s den how could we know that He could lock the jaws of lions? If there had never been a fiery furnace, how could we know that He could cool the flame of the fire? If there had never been a Red Sea to cross, how could we know that He could divide waters and make a way for Israel to cross on dry ground? If there had never been a troubled sea on which the disciples found themselves, how could we know that He could the wind and the waves with just His word?

Trouble and trials provide a platform to manifest how great He is. Paul’s thorn in the flesh gave a platform for the evidence of God’s grace to be seen. Joseph in prison served as a platform whereby we could see that God works things for our good.


gives God an opportunity to show what He can do in our

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