Why Stand Ye Gazing
Contributed by Richard Hosea on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To help people understand their place in sharing the gospel
Why Stand Ye Gazing
Acts 1:8 and Matt. 28:19-20
Simmons Loop Baptist Church 3-9-08 am
You who have small children and those of you with grown children know about the “Why” questions that pass from the lips of children. Daddy, can I go out and play in the road? No! Why? Because you might get hit by a car! Why? If you get hit by a car it will hurt. Why? If you get hurt we will have to take you to the hospital. Why? The doctor will bandage up your cuts and bruises. Why? Because I said you can’t play in the street. Then can I go out and climb a tree? No! Why? You might fall out and get hurt. Why? You might break and I don’t want any broken necks. Why?
And so the “Why” questions go on and on.
Do you ever ask “Why” questions? I think all of us have. Lord why did my child get sick? Lord why did he die? Why is my life so messed up? Lord why, why, why?
Now the Lord asks us a “why” question: Why stand ye gazing in to heaven?
Does God ever ask us to do anything that we cannot do?
He gave the disciples a seemingly impossible task – Go into all the world and preach the gospel. How could they do it? Their world was big, transportation was slow.
If Jesus had first given the Great commission to you and me today then we might have an easier time trying to do it.
Even with the world population exceeding six billion, we could at least make use of the media, the internet and air travel to make our way into the distant places of the world.
But even for us the task is too large. If God will not give us a task that we cannot do, how can we do it?
The fact is we cannot do it on our own. We must have the power of the Holy Spirit to equip is for the task.
Jesus told his disciples to tell everybody, everywhere, but He also told them something else. Jesus said, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you what he promised. Remember, I have told you about this before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”(Acts 1:4-5 NLT).
I have a lamp that will not burn. I have checked the wiring, the bulb, the switch, but it will not work. Is there an electrician here to help me out?
In order for Jesus’ disciples to accomplish the great task before them they needed to be plugged in to power of the Holy Spirit.
Even with all the modern technology available to us today, we also must wait for the power of the Holy Spirit.
Without the power of the Holy Spirit it is impossible for the world to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said: You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Then Jesus was taken up out of their sight.
Two men in white stood beside them and said: “Why stand ye gazing into heaven?”
I. This is a pointed question.
A. These disciples were just standing looking up into heaven.
1. They had already been given instructions.
2. Were they so awe struck that they could not move?
B. Two men in white would make any of us wonder.
1. Some would be afraid and frozen in their tracts
2. Some would be curious. And want to see more.
C. The question is pointed to their inactivity.
1. They were doing nothing about the command.
II. This was a probing question.
A. It made the disciples think about what they were doing.
1. Actually what they were not doing.
2. When Angels speak they have a way of probing your heart.
B. I have never had an angel speak to me
1. There are many occasions in the Bible where angels spoke
2. An angel came to prophesy – Abraham.
3. An angel came to condemn – Speaking to Balaam’s donkey. Numbers 22:31-33 Then the LORD let Balaam see the angel standing there with his sword; and Balaam threw himself face downward on the ground.
The angel demanded, "Why have you beaten your donkey three times like this? I have come to bar your way, because you should not be making this journey.
But your donkey saw me and turned aside three times. If it hadn’t, I would have killed you and spared the donkey."
4. An angel came to encourage. – Paul on the ship to Rome Act 27:23-24
For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I worship came to me and said, ’Don’t be afraid, Paul! You must stand before the Emperor. And God in his goodness to you has spared the lives of all those who are sailing with you.’