
Summary: Basic challenge of discipleship in those three areas we think are our own: treasure, time, talents!

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Title: “Why Should I Give of my Treasure, Time, and Talents?” Script: Mt. 25:14-30

Type: Series – Part VI Where: GNBC 6-30-02/Reworked 9-21-08

Intro: Recently my wife and kids and I received an updated version of the old game Monopoly. Carol’s brother sent us an edition with all the properties being found in Maine. However, there are still some consistencies with the 1950’s version we had has kids growing up. You can still find that very useful card: “Get out of Jail Free”. J. McArthur, in a criticism of the growing “No-Lordship” movement among American Evangelicals has stated: “No-Lordship theology utterly ignores the biblical truth that grace instructs us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age (Tit. 2:12). Instead, it portrays grace as a supernatural “get out of jail free” card, w/ no string attached, opened ended package of amnesty, indulgence, forbearance, leniency, immunity, approval, tolerance divorced from any moral demands.” (Faith Works, p.57) God does have a right to make demands on our lives. Today I want us to look at three basic areas in which the Christian must face Christ’s Lordship.

Prop: Why should a Christian give of his/her treasure, time, and talents to the Lord’s work?

BG: 1. Essentially, what I am talking about here is our need to understand Xst’s Lordship.

2. There are far too many Christians today who bespeak their salvation in Christ, and yet withhold crucial areas of their lives in discipleship. This is a matter of Lordship. If Jesus Christ is God, and He is, and He is your Savior, then He is also to be the Lord of your life and you need to respond to His claims over every area of your and my life.

3. Section of Script. examine today is found in Mt. 25, interesting to realize whole of chapts. 24 & 25 (Olivet discourse) relate to Christ’s 2nd Advent. It is important for us to grasp this is no mere coincidence in light of the parable of the talents which we will examine today. Our lives are to be lived out with a goal in mind. Jesus Christ is going to return one day. With that in mind, we must ask ourselves “How am I to garner the resources God has allowed me to steward: Treasure, Time, Talents for His greatest glory?”

Prop: Examining Mt. 25:14-30 we will see 3 areas of our lives we must place under Christ’s Lordship. By doing so we will be able to answer the question: “Why should I give of my treasure, time and talents to the Lord?”

I. 1st: Why Should I Give of My Treasure to the Lord? Vv.14 -

A. The Master of the Slaves Entrusted a great deal to the Servants.

1. IN this Parable the Master Entrusted the Servants with his treasure.

a. vv. 14 –15 – master going away – parable illust. Christ’s going away, entrusts 5, 2, and 1 talents respectively to 3 different slaves. Now, talent as used here was a Hebrew unit of money, equal to about 3,000 shekels, shekel being day’s wage! So, slaves were responsible for roughly 10, 20, and 50 yrs. of wages!

b. In the parable, Xst makes it clear that the master entrusted his own possessions to the slaves. This is a principle must clearly understand whether talking about treasures, time, or talents, God has entrusted you and me with something of His, and to be used for His glory. “Whether treasure, time, talents, each can be either misused, abused, or properly used.” Regardless, 1st principle is to recognize that it is HIS and not MINE!

2. God has entrusted you and me with wealth to use for His Kingdom’s glory.

a. Illust- I know what some of you are thinking. You are thinking the illustration breaks down at this point Chris. The slaves were taking their master’s money and investing it. This is our money. STOP RIGHT THERE! The Bible teaches (Rom. 6) that we were once slaves to sin and that death was ultimate end product of our servitude. Now, however, for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, Rom. 6:18 – “and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.” We are now servants of Christ!

b. Are you controlled by your possessions? Are you always working just to get the next or newest thing? Or are you working just to pay for those items or to fix those items? Has life, with all of its joys become tiring cycle? Have everything, and yet still not happy? Possibly it is because you still think you are the owner of everything. Need to release your ownership and realize ultimately it is all Gods and you are to be a faithful steward.

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