
Summary: Three Bible reasons,and not myths, the Lord God will permit entrance into Heaven.

Many will stand in that Day and say Lord,Lord, I have done this and that,etc..., but according to the Scriptures there are only THREE reasons the Lord will permit those to enter in.

Why will God let me into Heaven;

1. There has been REPENTANCE..vs.23...acts.17:30...

a. an honest repentance..ALL have sinned...Psalms.66:18..if i regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me...psalm.38:18..i will be sorry for my sin...

b. a heart repentance...vs.25-26...thru faith in his blood..Jesus’s shed blood...the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus...Ps.51..thou desires truth in the inward parts...

c. a heavenly repentance..Rom.10:9-13...acts.20:21..repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ...

2. There is a REGENERATION...titus.3:5..the washing of regeneration...( a new thing ) matt.19:28..when the kingdom is new on earth...

a. a new creature in

b. a new love...1-john.2:3-11...1-peter.2:7...1-peter1:8

c. a new direction in one’s life thru obedience of His will..

3. There is RIGHTEOUSNESS...vs.25-26..

a. righteousness OF Christ...2-corin.5:21...philippians.3:9.found in HIS righteousness...

b. received at the

c. righteousness that’s complete...God declares one right...colossians.2:9-10..complete in him...( as far as salvation from sins, but he is still working in us till we go to him!)

Why will God let you into Heaven...good membership...baptism...not as bad as someone else...NO friend you MUST have Repentance for sins, Regeneration by the Holy Spirit, and the Righteousness of Jesus Christ to be Pleasing to God. Remember 1-peter.3:15.

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