
Summary: The things that keep people from experiencing Revival in otheir lives

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Psalms 85: 6 & Psalms 51 10 - 13

Intro:A. If We look in the dictionary the word revival has two meanings listed

1. A series of meetings for the purpose of reawakening religious faith

2. A restoration to use, activity, or vigor after a period of lackluster or lackadaisical effort

B. David describes what revival meant to him in Psalms 51 10 – 13

C. The real reason that our church doesn’t experience revival is that the question is worded all wrong

1. The church isn’t a thing that can experience revival --- The church is made up of people

(a) So the real question is “ Why do people not experience revival “

(b) Or even more to the point “ Why don’t I experience revival in my own life “

D. A series of meetings in the church is no more a revival that a group of guys holding a football is a

football game

1. Most churches hold a series of meetings periodically with a visiting evangelist and call it revival

(a) But revival isn’t necessarily a group thing

(b) Revival happens when individuals realize that they aren’t as close as they should be and ask the

Lord to Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me

(c) Revival takes place when individual Christians pray Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.

E. I have no doubt whatsoever that we have many Christians here this morning who need revival

1. Christians who are simply going through the motions or playing church

2. I wonder --- How many will experience revival in their lives this morning

(a) And I wonder --- Of those who don’t “ What is it that keeps us from having revival “

F. This morning I want us to look at 3 things that keep individuals from being revived

I. Pride

A. We don’t want to admit to others ( or sometimes even to ourselves ) that we need revival

1. We have the attitude of the man heard falling from the 40 story building as he was falling “ I’m still OK “

2. We compare ourselves to others and we come out pretty good

(a) I may not be as spiritual as some, may not be as active or as close as I used to be, but I’m still better

than a lot of other people are

B. Remember David’s reason for wanting & needing to be revived --- He had lost the joy of his salvation

1. We still come to most of the services if nothing else comes up and if we feel good and aren’t too tired

2. We open our song books and half heartedly sing the songs

3. We hear most of what the preacher has to say even if our mind does wander sometimes ( I wonder how

many could tell me what the message was about last Sunday )

4. We pray every day or at least most every day --- Maybe not on our knees but we say our quick prayers

5. We read & study the bible sometimes when we can find the time to do it

C. But many Christians have lost the joy of their salvation or are losing the joy of their salvation and are too

proud to admit it even to ourselves

1. We look for excuses not to attend services

2. We show up with our attitudes and unforgiving spirits and dare anyone to look at us wrong

3. We endure the message & singing and keep a close watch on our watches

4. We’re here in body but our minds are somewhere else

D. If any of this hits home --- Admit it --- You need revival

1. But our pride keeps us from admitting it and receiving one

II. Another thing that keep people from experiencing revival is --- Designated Hearing

A. These people aren’t hard of hearing they are hard of listening

1. When these people hear the message they hear it as it applies to others

B. Look at what David says in these verses

Psa 51:12-10 Create in ME a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within ME. (11) Cast ME not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from ME. (12) Restore unto ME the joy of thy salvation; and uphold ME with thy free spirit.

1. David isn’t concerned about the need of revival in others --- He realizes his need for one

C. In all of my years of preaching I don’t believe that I have ever preached a message that at least a part of it

didn’t apply to me

1. I believe that every one of us, if we listen to a message with our heart, will be convicted by God of

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