"Why John Did Outrun Peter"
Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When John was running, the text indicates he was running with the mindset of “He loves me, he loves me, he loves me.”
Title of the Message: “Why John outran Peter?”
John records that he outran Peter to the empty tomb? This message is speculation, but I believe that the trues are very acurate.
In context John records that he is, “The disciple whom Jesus loved.”
When Peter was running to the tomb, no doubt he was muttering to himself, “He loves me not, he loves me not, he loves me not.”
Only three days before he had just denied knowing Christ on three ocassions. He was running with a guilty conscience.
When John was running, the text indicates he was running with the mindset of “He loves me, he loves me, he loves me.”
Certainly it could have been that John was simply a faster runner than Peter, but I really believe that a person’s “mindset” has a lot to do with how well he runs!
Let me also say upfront, I believe that Jesus also “loved Peter,” but Peter had not yet come to that conclusion for himself when the race for the tomb had begun.
Why is it that John was so convinced that Jesus loved him?
Let me offer two reasons: First, John had just been to the Cross. John was the only disciple mentioned in the scriptures that stood at the foot of the Cross. It was there that he saw that great love of his Savior. John records, “And beheld him, full of grace and truth.”
Peter, on the other hand, had been warming himself around the coals of the enemy campfire.
If you want to experience the love of Jesus, you are more likely to find his love at a Bible preaching church, than in a bar room guzzleing booze hall!
Secondly, God was “using John’s life.” Jesus had commissioned John to take care of his Mother.
Jesus said, “I am the vine, and ye are the branches, abide in me!”
When God is using your life to be a blessing to others, you will experience the love of God pouring through your life!
Now, here is a brief four point outline for you to consider:
1. When you know that Jesus loves you, you are more likely to volunteer to do the Lord’s work.
Jesus did not have to specify that John should come and see him, When Mary told him of the empty tomb, he was quick to run.
2. When you know that Jesus loves you, you are more likely to prioritize your life to do the Lord’s work.
John did not take any detours in getting to the tomb!
3. When you know that Jesus loves you, you are more likely to accomplish the work that the Lord has given you to do.
John wanted to get there first. He wanted to finish the course!
4. When you know that Jesus loves you, you are more likely to be used of God in the the Lord’s work.
When John looked into the tomb, he immediately believed in the resurrection of Christ. God is pleased when we walk by faith!
Perhaps you are like the young lady so often pictured plucking a daisey and repeating to herself, “He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not....”
Throw away the daisey. Reopen the word of God, and reread this precious promise:
(Rom 8:37-39) Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Now RUN!