Why Jesus Ministered To People According To Their Maturity
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus knew that new believers needed a different diet of spiritual food and exercise than the more mature. The Lord Jesus knew the wisdom of Heb 5:14 which says, "But solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish
1. Jesus knew that new believers needed a different diet of spiritual food and exercise than the more mature. The Lord Jesus knew the wisdom of Heb 5:14 which says, "But solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."
Application: Ask the Lord to give you the discernment to feed people according to the level of their spiritual, emotional, social, attitudinal, mental, and ministry maturity.
2. Jesus knew that when He spoke to a crowd there would be various levels of ministry maturity represented that needed different types of challenges.
a). The non-christians needed the gospel,
b). the come level believers needed to learn how to feed themselves from God’s word,
c). the growers needed to learn how to discover and utilize their gifts and callings in some kind of service.
d). The developers needed to find a way to utilize their gifts to bring about the making of disciples.
e). The disciple-makers needed to find ways they could organize their flock for the best ways of leading and feeding them through a church fellowship.
f). The leaders needed to find a way to help their fellowships grow in quality and quantity so they could reproduce themselves through converts and a daughter church.
g). The reproducers needed to find ways that they could multiply their converts and the number of churches planted in areas beyond their local community.
h). The multipliers needed to find ways they could become more Christ-like in all facets of their personal lives and ministries. (Eph. 4:12-15)
3. Jesus knew that every audience contains not only different levels of maturity but also readiness to learn. The Lord was able to provide something for the unfavorable to help them overcome their opposition to His teaching.
Jesus also knew how to best persuade the neutral more toward a active faith and obedience. The good shepherd also knew how help the motivated learners appropriate and put into action what they believed through challenging assignments that would help them bear more fruit. (John 15:16)
Application: Ask the Lord to help you persuade the neutral through love, wisdom and tact. He will help you speak the truth in love.
4. Jesus knew that people would be at various levels of need satisfaction. The Lord knew the best way to assure the fearful that God was able to provide them with safety and security. The Savior also knew the most effective ways to teach the poor how the Lord would supply some of the physiological needs as they sought first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. The great Teacher excelled in ways of instructing people how to gain a satisfying way of gaining belonging and acceptance.
The great Physician demonstrated ways to help people gain a greater sense of their own self-esteem. The lamb of God exemplified one who could bring out the most in each person’s potential. Finally, Jesus showed everyone how to maximize their contribution for God’s eternal purposes through obeying His great commission and making disciples of every nation (Matt. 28:18-20)
Application: Ask the Lord for the wisdom to know how to minister to people at the point of their greatest needs (felt needs, perceived needs, real physical,emotional and mental needs, and spiritual needs)
5. Jesus knew how to sequentially educate people according to His Biblical imperatives, peoples’ felt, perceived and real needs, God’s goals, kingdom methods, contextual methods, relevant programs, effective curricula, skillful administration, Spirit led organization, and continuous evaluation to help everyone grow in all aspects in Him.
Application: Ask the Lord for the ability teach in a sequence that recycles Christ’s master teaching plan.
6. Jesus knew how to minister to people according to the level of their moral development. The Lord knew how to confront immature people with clear cut choices between obeying God or being chastised. Jesus also knew how to exhort the person who will do what is right whenever they see it will bring them benefits.
The Savior also knew how to facilitate the ministry of the person who lived morally because they know that it will bring social approval from important people. Finally, Christ knew how to direct principled oriented people through teaching that spoke to their consciences about the best ways to make a lasting contribution to God’s kingdom and glory.
7. Jesus knew how to teach people on progressively higher levels of cognitive development.
a). To some, Jesus taught knowledge so they could gain eternal life through believing His offer of forgiveness.
b). To the comprehenders, the Lord helped them express their faith to friends in terms they could understand.
c). To the appliers, Jesus guided them in putting their beliefs into practice through evangelism and discipleship ministries.
d). To the analyzers, the good Shepherd helped develop their ability to discern the best choices in every problem situation.