
Summary: Jesus is the only way to heaven. This statement sounds exclusive, confusing, surprising, or even offending. Nonetheless, this is true

Do you know a place that can only be reached by a single conveyance? Perhaps a place where there is only a single road leading to it, an island that can only be reached by a boat, perhaps the outer space in which only via space shuttle humans can get there. I remember when I was new here in Singapore, I carefully follow road signs to reach a destination. As I became more familiar with many places, I began to explore other ways.


That said, when we think of our ultimate destination, when our time on earth is done, as Christians we believe that we will one day join our creator in heaven until eternity. And we believe that there is only one true way to get there. And he is Jesus. Jesus is the only way to heaven. This statement sounds exclusive, confusing, surprising, or even offending. Nonetheless, this is true.

Biblically, we can find this truth in the book of John 14:6, in which Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The words “Through me” here is believing in Jesus, as God the Son, who died for our sins, and by accepting him in one’s life by faith, a passage to heaven is given by grace.

Being heaven-bound is not like a using a Google map with suggestions of ways, there is only one way. Jesus is the only way to restore our relationship with God. He is the only way that can bring us back home. For Christians, this is fundamental.


For others who do not believe yet, probably your question is – “why would I believe in Jesus?” Why?

1. Jesus lives a flawless life. He committed no sin; thus, he is the only one qualified to be referred to as perfect. Perfect as our heavenly Father.

2. Jesus’ teaching is alive – it transforms lives, it brings hope, and will be forever relevant.

3. Jesus is the only one who died and resurrected from death. – We know this from the testimonies of his followers and his enemies too (Jews and Romans). When he came back to life, he appeared to the group of women, Jesus appeared to many other of His followers. At one time, the Bible says, there were more than 500 witnesses at once


Everything is documented in the Scripture, which will probably lead you asking, “why would I believe the Scripture.” For us, believers of Christ, we believe that the Bible, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is God’s chronicle of his relationship with us his creation, with an overarching theme of redemption and salvation.

If you have doubts about the Bible, let me throw this question before I wrap this up; if we generally believe in science, history, philosophy books, and other books, which influenced and shaped our ways of thinking and living; the question is why can’t we believe the authors of the Scriptures who were Spirit enabled?


In the Scripture, which is the absolute truth, it is very clear that Jesus is not one of the ways. Not even the best of the ways. Jesus is the only way.

Don’t just take my word for these; Instead, engage the Scriptures first-hand. Know Jesus and his teachings in the Bible. He is real, he is alive, and he is the only one who can guarantee our journey to heaven. God bless us.

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