
Summary: Jesus answers his adversaries difficult question with a creative answer.

Why Is The Sky Blue?

Matthew 22: 15 - 22

Intro: Anyone who has interacted with children knows they can ask a lot of difficult questions. Examples: Why do leaves change different colors? / If shampoo comes in so many colors, why is the lather on your head always white? / If the No 2 pencil is so popular, why is it still No. 2? / If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn? / Why is the sky blue? --- The story is told of a 4-year-old who begged her father who was watching political ads to read her a fairy tale. No sooner had he begun, the little girl interrupted him asking, “Daddy, do all fairy tales begin with ‘Once Upon A Time?’” He responded, “no sweetheart, most fairy tales begin with: ‘And when I’m elected . . .’”

I VS. 17 – “Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?

A Trick questions: “Does this outfit make me look fat?” / “Have you stopped beating your kids?” / Why did this bad thing happen to me? / Why me, God?

B These questions are current examples of the type of question that was asked of Jesus.

C This “tax” is a poll tax or a “head tax” paid in Roman currency for every man, woman or slave. “Census tax” initiated in 6C.E.

II The answer Jesus gave didn’t really answer the question. VS. 19 – Show me the coin used for paying the tax.”

A Inscription on the coin “Tiberius Caesar Divi August: Filius Augustus Pointifex Maximus” / Tiberius Caesar, son of the divine Augustus, high priest.”

B The word Matthew uses for “give back” is the GK. word APODOTE which can also be translated RENDER or GIVE WHAT IS DUE BY OBLIGATION.

C Jesus is saying that the coins which bear Caesar’s image belong to Caesar. In essence he is saying one may give Caesar his due / caveat – as long as it does not conflict with what is due to God.

III Individuals often overlook the second part of VS. 21 – “And to God what is God’s.”

A Render to God that which belongs to God. The question for us then is this: “How do we determine what belongs to God?”

B Perhaps Matthew is thinking about the parable of the wicked tenants who are to give back to God what belongs to God.

C If we consider the image on the coin determines to whom it belongs; then, that which is created in God’s image should be given to God.

Concl: So, I ask you again, “Why is the sky blue?” This is a question I was once asked by one of my kids. --- Here is the technical answer: “The sun’s rays hit the earth’s atmosphere, where the light is scattered by nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air. The blue wavelength of this light is affected more than the red and green wavelengths causing the surrounding air to appear blue.”

Now you know why the sky is blue! However, there are other difficult questions to be answered. I will propose to you the most difficult question: Will you give to god that which belongs to God?

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