Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jeremiah was called by God to bring a message of redemption to the people of Israel. We are called to those that are around us.
Why have you forsaken me
Jeremiah 2:20-29
What would God say to the president of the United States concerning the relationship we have with the Lord? Wouldn’t he say why have you forsaken me?
I have told everyone how much I hate roller coasters. This is a fact. Your new here, I hate roller coasters, I would rather be lite on fire.
I don’t know why I do except that I am not in control.
I am on a track, in a car going down a steep hill and all I can do is hold on.
I do get a rush on being on the fast track and doing everything I can to get momentum started. As a pastor, my job is to lead you in the things of God, get you on track and hope that our momentum works together to get the car safely down the track.
Our new president has lead the charge about change.
About how much we should be servant’s to one another.
These special groups have diligently went out in the community to reach people.
This is a great way of living This is what we have to do. It is Biblical
Why don’t we follow the example Jesus gave us.
- teaches us to pray( intercede for others)
- to fast-(to realize that there is something bigger than we are)
- to give to the needy
- to go the extra mile
- to give and not expect anything in return
Beattitudes- Jesus words
to be merciful
to be pure and genuine
to be compassionate
why is it, when God speaks we do not hear
Jeremiah was called by God to the nation of Israel to let them know that doing their own thing will not be tolerated by God anymore.
This message this morning is a continuation of what we are looking at on Wednesday night, if you like it, I invite you to dig in with us at the Bible study.
Jeremiah had a call on his life.
Jeremiah was young and scared of the responsibility God put on him.
Had a awesome responsibility to talk to a nation, (get it) A nation that has turned their back on God.
God has given him 3 assurances(He gives them to us too)
-I will be with you
- I will protect you
- I will give you what you need for the job
I see people’s attitude at our Bountiful Blessings ministry
I hear aboutpeople’s attitudes from other pastor’s and the struggles they face.
I see where people feel the world owes them everything.
This world is not about you... It is not about me It is all about Jesus
It is not even about Jesus and me. It is about Jesus and us, and we are on a journey together.
Salvation is individual. Each one of us will stand before God about our lives and weather we accepted Jesus Christ as savior for our lives.
We enter the kingdom of God personally, but we live it today and now corporately.
Family of God
Brothers and sisters in Christ
Body of believers...................................Jesus Christ as the head of the family
African proverb-
“If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, go together.
The Holy Spirit transforms us individually working in our lives, to make us more like Jesus. Corporately the Holy Spirit can make us one in the body of Christ.
Change begins with you
Bible says v20
“long ago you broke off your yoke, and tore off your bonds” you said I will not serve you
- people today, just like Jeremiah’s audience did not want to be told what to do, what to worship, how to worship, what to do with your time and money.
- even your priest don’t ask about the Lord;
therefore, says God- “I will bring charges against you....again.”
Israel was a nation that had to learn everything the hard way.
What did Jeremiah mean about “throwing off your yoke?”
people today have a self-proclaimed freedom.
back sliding is not wrong- it is a choice.
refuse rebuke- that is standing up for yourself
discipline is something for someone else... not us.
Apostle Paul tells the Galatian church “submit again to the yoke of God” and not use your freedom as an opportunity to self indulge.
Context of this text:
yahweh(God) is describing Israel’s distorted relationship with him.
V20- paints a picture of a stubborn animal that refuses to remain under the yoke of the master. A prostitute who sells herself to anyone in any place.
The yoke we have is the covenant we as believers have made with God. Coming under that covenant was our choice,(accept Jesus Christ) but when we broke away from it, it becomes an act of rebellion.