
Why Fishermen? Unveiling the Mystery

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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There are specific reasons why 7 out of the 12 first disciples were fishermen. This was not a random choice. The skills they possessed are ones every Christian should aim to have.


Today, we will explore the significance of Jesus choosing seven out of the twelve disciples to be fishermen. This deliberate selection was not a coincidence, as these individuals possessed qualities that every Christian should strive to develop. Let us delve into the reasons behind Jesus' choice and how we can apply these lessons to our own lives.

Fishermen know how to follow orders

The fishermen disciples displayed a remarkable ability to take orders without hesitation or debate. When Jesus called Simon and Andrew, they immediately left their nets and followed him (Mark 1:18). Their prompt response exemplifies their willingness to listen and obey. Similarly, when Jesus instructed Simon to cast his net on the other side of the boat, Simon complied, resulting in an abundant catch (Luke 5:5-6). We, too, should cultivate the skill of taking orders from the Lord, understanding that sometimes obedience without question is necessary.

Fishermen excel at teamwork

Fishing requires a collective effort, with everyone on the boat working together to achieve a common goal. The disciples understood the importance of teamwork and collaborated seamlessly to haul in their nets. As Christians, we are called to function as one body with many parts, each contributing their unique gifts and talents towards the shared objective of spreading the message of Christ.

Fishermen demonstrate dedication

Patience and dedication are essential qualities for successful fishermen. They may spend hours or even days without catching anything, yet they persist in their pursuit. Jesus foresaw the challenges his followers would face and chose disciples who would not easily give up. As Christians, we must evaluate our own dedication to the cause. Are we willing to endure hardships and remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that Heaven awaits us?

Fishermen possess courage

Fishermen often venture into deep and treacherous waters, facing storms and unpredictable conditions. Their courage enables them to overcome fear and continue their work. Similarly, as Christians, we are called to be courageous in the face of adversity. Throughout Scripture, we are repeatedly commanded to "not fear." We can find strength and refuge in the Lord, who empowers us to face our fears with courage, just like the fishermen disciples.

Fishermen are skilled in using their equipment

Skilled fishermen understand the importance of their tools and how to utilize them effectively. As Christians, we also possess essential equipment for our spiritual journey.

a) God's Word:

The Bible is our most valuable tool, serving as a double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Jesus demonstrated the power of Scripture when he faced temptation in the wilderness. Each time, he countered Satan's attacks by quoting Scripture. We, too, must become skilled in using God's Word to navigate life's challenges and grow in our faith.

b) Prayer:

James reminds us that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16). Jesus set an example for us by frequently withdrawing to pray and seeking God's guidance before significant events. We must follow his lead and develop our prayer life, recognizing its immense power and seeking communion with God through prayer.


Jesus intentionally chose fishermen as his first disciples, as they possessed qualities that every Christian should strive to cultivate. Their ability to follow orders, work together, demonstrate dedication, exhibit courage, and utilize their equipment serves as valuable lessons for us all. As we embark on our own spiritual journey, let us embrace these lessons and seek to grow in these areas. May we find joy in the adventure of personal growth and share the excitement of our journey with others.

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