
Wholehearted Devotion to God

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Brethren, we should serve God not just for His blessings, but for His divine essence. He deserves our utmost service as He is the ultimate employer, leading the greatest organization in existence.


Brethren, I believe there is much to serve God for, not just because of what He has done for us, but because of who He is. Our God deserves exceptional service from us because He is the best employer and He owns the best organization you can ever work for in the world.

Serving God with all our heart

The book of Romans 12:11 explains what it means to serve God with all our heart. It essentially means to be fully devoted to God. It means to show enthusiasm in the things of God and be passionate about Him. Having a fully devoted heart is a crucial characteristic for Christians. A devoted heart doesn't just mean reading the Bible; it can also mean being enthusiastic about working for God. Serving the Lord should be a joyful and willing act, without grudging or negativity. It should be one of the happiest moments of being part of the mission that spreads the Gospel. We need to be passionate about serving the Lord.

Serving God in any circumstance

Even in the absence of technological advancements, Christians in the past were able to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. They were able to communicate the Gospel and share God's love without the conveniences we have today. Sometimes, we find it difficult to travel to church or to the place where God wants us to serve Him, despite having easy transportation systems that could make our journey easier. The book of Romans 12:11 encourages us not to be lazy but to be fully devoted in serving the Lord.

Simple ways to serve God

Serving the Lord can be as simple as sharing His word over the phone, through WhatsApp messages, on Facebook, Instagram, or even tweeting an encouraging word that uplifts someone. It can be as simple as sharing the word of God with colleagues, friends, and family who haven't met Christ or those who need to come back to God.

The blessings of serving God

Our God has done so much for us by giving us promises that help us fulfill our destiny. In Exodus 23:25-28, God promises blessings to those who serve Him:

- He will bless our bread and water.

- He will take away sickness from our midst.

- There will be no miscarriages or barrenness.

- There will be no premature death.

- We will have long life and fulfill our destiny.

- Our enemies will turn away from us.

The book of Job also emphasizes obedience in serving God and adds another promise. It states, "If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment" (Job 36:11).

Serving God by serving others

We can also serve God by serving others. Jesus Christ, our great example, demonstrated this by washing the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-17). He advised His disciples to do the same and promised blessings for those who obeyed. This shows that we need to be passionate about serving others (Matthew 25:40).

Possible ways to serve God

Possible ways to serve God include:

- Serving God with our lives (Matthew 6:33).

- Serving God in our church.

- Serving God with our talents.

- Serving God with our time.

- Serving God through prayers.

- Serving God with our finances through tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:10).

- Serving God by serving others (Matthew 25:40, John 13:1-17).


Let us remember the famous words of President J.F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." How many times have we asked God to do something for us without considering what we can do for Him? We can apply this quote to our lives as Christians by asking what we can do for God, not just what He can do for us. While God can do all things, serving Him is an act of commitment and a way to show our love for Him because of who He is.

I encourage you to ask God what you can do for Him. If you are unsure of the area in which you can best serve God, pray and seek His guidance. You don't have to be an expert in that area; whatever area God leads you to serve, commit to it, and He will equip you for His work (Hebrews 13:21).

The first step in serving the Lord is giving your life to Him if you haven't already. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, confess your sins to Him, and ask Him to give you the power to sin no more. Ask God to lead you to the area where He wants you to serve Him and be committed and passionate about serving God.

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