
Summary: True pleasure comes when our work is not for the pay, for ambition, to satisfy oneself or earthly overseers, but working for Christ.

Who You Work-in For

Working As Unto The Lord

The Bible says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism. - Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven." (Colossians 3:23 - 4:1)

This passage of Scripture is found in Colossians 3:21 placed under a preoccupy, a title if you will, "Living as Those Made Alive in Christ." The Apostle is teaching a truth to slaves and slave masters - that is just as real for us who are free, people who work for others and/or for people who may have employees.

Notice who we are to be doing our work for, "as working for the Lord, not for men." The workman must do everything as if he was doing it for Christ. True pleasure comes when our work is not for the pay, for ambition, to satisfy oneself or earthly overseers. Our work is to be done for the glory of Christ. We must remember, that all our works will be tested by fire, everyone will see if our works will be burned up or done for the right reasons. (1 Corinthians 3:11-15) According to our text, employers need to remember, they will be giving an accounting to our Master - Christ, who is in heaven. Therefore, they are to provide in a way that is "right and fair." The Christian doctrine of work is that employer and employee alike are working for the Lord, and the rewards are from God - as well as chastisements for doing our work wrong.

One businessman who understood the Biblical truths found in this teaching is David Green, founder of Hobby Lobby. David was raised in a Christian home and he made the right choice, keeping in his heart was is right and true, not like my kids who choose to live a life for self, sin, and the devil. There was display on the wall in David's home, "only one life to live; twill soon be past. Only that what's done for Christ will last." David struggled with how to serve God in his career, then after some clear Biblical teaching by a man of God who can teach the Word of God, David came to understand that the Lord is just not a Sunday Deity, He understands margins, spreadsheets, competition and profits.

David had a servant's heart, putting others ahead of himself and the business he was raising up. In 2009 while the retail business world froze wages or even cut back on labor, David raised the wages to his employees. When David saw the Christmas and Easter adds from other businesses were taking away the real meaning of the seasons, David increased the amount of ads he was putting out, with a clear Christian meaning of Christmas and Easter. Hoppy Lobby funds hospitals, supports local homeless shelters and continues to print literature about Christ for far away places, all around the world.

The fruit of David's life and the business he runs shows Who He Is Work-in For. God has blessed David Green, his family and Hobby Lobby. The Lord will certainly fulfill His promise to all who will strive to do their work as unto Christ.

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