Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Series
Contributed by Gordon Hood on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Evangelstic message based on format of popular TV show.
Romans 8:14-17, 22,23
By Gordon Hood - Hebrews620@aol.com
Introduction There is something lacking in the lives of some here today. You know there is a void, but you have not quiet put you finger on it.
When we dream, we dream big, for example most have dreamed of winning the lottery.
Last week (10/24/20000) seven Starbuck coffee shop workers won $87 million dollars.
Maybe it is because we see our need is so big it will take a miracle of winning the lottery to get us by.
A popular television show offers the opportunity to win a million dollars, just for answering a few (simple) questions. Questions that we know the answers to are always easy. But, some answers require commitment to the answers.
You know that I did not come here today to offer you a million dollars. (Even though I am a millionaire) Let me explain…
ABC network T.V. show, Regis Philman host and often ask the contestant “is that your final answer”. The contestant is posed questions with four possible answers, and has three lifelines available (poll the audience, 50/50 take away two wrong answers, and Phone a friend) to assist in getting the correct answers.
The contestant can quit any time but must suffer the consequences of loss.
Psalms 50:10 “He owns the cattle on a thousand hills”
God also owns the hill, not because He bought them but because He made them.
Isaiah 66:1” The LORD said heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool”
Do you want to be a millionaire? God is, and so are His children!
All or your needs can be met, if you have the “right relationship with one that has sufficient resources.
ILLUS. In 1992 we moved here from Cape Coral, Fl. And our house did not sell and we were stuck with two house payments, we almost had our house reposed, but my employer at the time paid ALL the back payment the we could not pay, and forgave the debt.
But you know that I am here to talk about SPITITUAL things,
Now if you know the answer, please do not blurt it out like you do at home, it ruins it for the rest of us.
I. Who said, “What shall I do with Jesus who is called The Christ”?
1. Paul the Apostle, Acts9: 6 LORD, what will you have me to do?
2. The rich young Ruler, Luke 18; 23 Kept all Moral laws, sell all and follow me.
3. King Agrippa, Acts 25 said almost you persuade me to be a Christian”
4. Pilate, Matthew 27:22 “What shall I do unto Jesus who is called the Christ”
Lifeline poll the audience, Crowd answers - “ Crucify Him- Crucify Him”
You cannot trust the crowd to always be right.
They miss the simple common questions. What will you do with Jesus?
“What is your final answer?”
1. Life ends with death!
Suducees Matt. 22:23 no resurrection, that is why they were sad-u-see.
Jay Leno was on the sidewalk asking people about eternity, most said it end with this life.
2. I’m not sure, so I will take my chances.
What if the Bible is wrong, WHAT IF the Bible is right?
Our Society says that it is seeking truth but does not want the real truth,
Illus An old couple were talking and he said wanted to know the truth about his ten children, that tenth child just didn’t look like the rest of them, who was the father,You were!
3. Hell is a real place; it is Hot, Dark, Agony, Dry, and Loneliness. Luke 16:19-31
People in hell know remember, become mission minded, are in torment.
4. Heaven is a real place of comfort, rest, holiness and Praise
John 14:1-6 “In my fathers house”- Rev. 21:1-5 A new place of holiness in Gods presence.
Lifeline 50/50 take away two wrong answers. What is left to choose?
Heaven or Hell, You MUST choose one or the other.
On the television show plenty of tme is given to decide, but not eternity,
You are given time by God to decide but “His Spirit does not always strive with man.”
Joke - man bargained with God to allow him to take his fortune in gold bricks to heaven, when he arrived St. Peter told him it was not allowed to bring anything into heaven, he insisted so peter consinted, but said he must examine the contents of his breif case.
Peter laughed and said why did you bring Pavement up here.
So, if there really is a Heaven and Hell.
(Three possible answers)
1. Live a good moral lie and treat others kindly.