Who Shall Dwell With The Consuming Fire?
Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Nov 10, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: It is possible to be a modern day Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego
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Who shall dwell with The Consuming Fire?
Daniel 3; Isaiah 33:14-17
Most of us know of the incident of the fiery furnace that occurred in the lifetime of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego. Amazing story of courageous men who faced certain death by fire, but would not bow down to the demands to worship an idol at the command of the king, who was their boss and held, or so everyone thought, their lives in his hands. The fire ended up burning the people who threw them into the fiery furnace and the three men, their clothes were not even singed ! To make matters even better, The LORD HIMSELF was in the fire, in Person! Wow! And the idol making and worshipping king saw HIM. Read the story for yourself in Daniel 3. Talk about the great deeds of GOD in the past.
We all know what fire is. There are types and levels of fire. Now, The Fire of The LORD is at another level. Words may not suffice to describe HIS Fire. We read that The HOLY SPIRIT came down at Pentecost like tongues of Fire. Ok.
Scripture tells us that The MOST HIGH is a consuming fire. You ask , “ How is our GOD, a Consuming Fire?” I don’t know Hebrews 12: 29 describes HIM as such. The NLT translates it as follows, “ For our GOD is a devouring fire”.
Exodus 24:17 And the sight of the glory of The LORD was like a devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel.
Psalm 97:3 Fire goes before HIM and consumes HIS foes on every side.
There are numerous scriptures that mention the fire of The LORD and describe this Fire. Deuteronomy 9:3 and 2 Samuel 22:9 to name two.
Let us keep all these scriptures in mind as we narrow down on the two scriptures in our title. Daniel 3 and Isaiah 33:14-17.
In the latter scripture the question is asked then: “Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning? In my opinion, in simplicity, the question asked is, who can walk with The LORD? Who can remain in HIS presence without incurring HIS wrath but instead experience HIS love, care protection, provision, promotion and above all HIS Presence?
The next verse not only answers this question but also gives us insight into the character of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego. Remember, they were able to walk out totally unharmed from the fiery furnace. Not only that, they were also able to spend time in the presence of The Consuming Fire within the fire.
We know that all scripture is profitable. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “ All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of GOD may be complete , thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
So what is my point? My point is that the great power of GOD that was demonstrated in Daniel 3 is also capable of being demonstrated today provided that we also be people of integrity and people with the heart and mind of GOD at the core of our existence and as the very purpose of our existence.
Daniel 1 describes the virtues and abilities of the three men and Daniel in detail. Isaiah 33:15 goes on to point out the following characteristics of those who shall dwell with the Consuming Fire , the Everlasting burning without , of course being devoured and/or consumed? I paraphrase in the brackets.
i. They walk righteously. (Come on Beloved, walk in righteousness. We all have a conscience and it acts as a compass to what is acceptable and what is not. Some have seared their conscience by willful and continuous participation in evil and claim to no longer be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. But beloved, the line is there, no matter how thin. Even the thieves on the cross knew where the line was drawn, one humbled and was saved, the other remained in pride and arrogance and perished.
You know the right thing to do. Start by repenting and changing your ways. If you do not know what the right thing to do is, don’t do anything first, identify children of GOD who know The LORD and ask them to pray for you as you make a decision. You can also do this for yourself. Ask The LORD to show you HIS ways.
Remember, the SPIRIT of GOD is ever present at least for now. 2 Chronicles 16:9 “The eyes of The LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to HIM.” Other translations say “….The eyes of The LORD run to and fro the whole earth, to give strong support, to those whose heart is blameless towards HIM.” So, beloved, it starts with what you think about GOD, if your heart is blameless towards HIM, HE will strengthen you and give you strong support.