
Summary: The entire congregation of the people grumbled against Moses and they were determined to pull him down. But the people made one big Mistake. They forgot that MOSES WAS NEVER IN CHARGE – GOD WAS!

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Perfected Praise Worship Center – OKC

Preached Sunday August 8, 2010 - 3:00 p.m.

Installation Service of Pastor Reginald Hamilton

New Hope Baptist Church, Childress, TX

(Sermon modified – originally delivered by my father the Rev. Frank W. Lawson, Sr.,

Who is now retired - Former pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church, Red Bank, NJ and Second Baptist Church,

Keyport, NJ)



Politics has always been an area that captures my attention. In particular, with the election of President Barak Obama, I have paid even more attention to the Political System that makes up our great Country. It has been particularly interesting to watch the bantering between the President and the Congress. We elect the President to be the person at the Top and as President Truman said in 1950 – “The buck stops here.” He was the man in charge.

We elect the Congress to work with the President for the good of the entire nation and at the same time the individual congressmen are to look out for the interest of their particular state. These men and women are supposed to work together like a well-oiled machine.

• They are suppose to take care of business

• That is the way it is suppose to work

• They are supposed to rise up against Petty Grievances

• They are supposed to put their constituents and their nation ahead of themselves

But we know that is not the case. It does not even come close. The current state of affairs in our nation is in a Shambles. There does not appear to be one elected official who cares one bit for you and for me. The Democrats and the Republicans are spending so much time fighting one another – the President seems to be in a defensive posture. There does not seem to be anyone in charge. At a time like this, does that make any sense at all? It does not make a difference what level of government a person may work in, it seems that there is always somebody or some group that wants to pull you down – even when you are doing a good job.

• It has happened before and it will happen again

• It happens in our school system

• It happens on our jobs

• Sorry to say, it even happens in our Church

Someone in Washington needs to pay attention and smell the roses. One of these days God is going to have enough. He will only put up with so much foolishness before He takes action. I’ll be the first to state that I don’t agree with the direction that our national leaders are moving our country. I think our boys and girls are in harm’s way for the wrong reason. However, my Bible says we are to pray for those in authority over us. So instead of complaining about – IRAQ – AFGHANASTAN – ILLEGAL IMMAGRANTS – NATIONAL DEFICIET – COST OF GASOLINE

• I’m going to Pray and believe that God will step in and take Charge

• I’m going to Pray and let God take over

• I’m going Pray and Believe that the Effectual Fervent Prayers of a Righteous Man Availeth Much

I believe that we have an excellent example of this in our text this afternoon found in the book of NUMBERS 16:1-50. I would like to take a few minutes during this celebration and installation of your new Pastor to leave this subject with you – Who’s in Charge?

Moses, the anointed leader of God’s chosen people Israel, found himself in this very situation although for an entirely different reason. On one occasion his own brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam, turned against him and tried to usurp his authority. On other occasions, Small Groups of People or special interest groups rose up against him. In each case, because of God’s intervention, they failed.

But in one particular case the entire congregation of the people grumbled against Moses and they were determined to pull him down. But the people made one big Mistake. They forgot that MOSES WAS NEVER IN CHARGE – GOD WAS! When you go after God’s anointed leader, you’re going after God and when you go after God, utter and complete failure are in your future. Let me say it again - The Scripture tells us that we are to pray for those in authority over us.

• Not Criticize

• Not Murmur Against

• Not Complain about

• They have been put there by God and they will excel if we will spend time on our knees praying for them instead of just talking about them

Let’s look at the text for a moment. We are all very much familiar with the call of Moses to lead the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land. When Moses saw a bush burning and yet not being consumed by the flames – he said to himself – let me go and see this great sight. When he approached the burning bush – Voice of God came forth from the bush and said – “MOSES, TAKE YOUR SHOES OFF, THE GROUND YOU ARE STANDING ON IS HOLY GROUND.” I am the God of your Fathers – Abraham – Isaac - Jacob. I have heard the cries of my people in Egypt and I have seen their oppression. I will send you unto Pharaoh that you may bring them out of Egypt and bring them into a good land, a land flowing with milk and honey.

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Randy Bataanon

commented on Aug 12, 2010

Great sermon!

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