
Summary: Who really owns us?


Today’s Sermon

Selfishness, Who owns us?

Ps. 100:3

“Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made

us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the

sheep of His pasture”

Wow that is such an awesome scripture. “We are His

people” is that awesome or what? To know we have a

purpose and we belong to something or in this case

Someone. That someone is God. I cant tell you how

awesome that is. I love the idea and yes I am

conceded in knowing that I belong to Him.

Some people love to say. “I’m own person.” Well guess

what! Your not! You belong to HIM. It says he knew

us before our parents knew us. We are His creation

and it is His will that we are made.

Gen 2:6-7

6 “but a mist went up from the earth and watered the

whole face of the ground.”

7 “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the

ground, and breathed into his nostrils breath of life;

and man became a living being.”

He made us from dirt of the earth of which He created.

Scientists the human body is made from 70% water and

the rest from minerals. In vs. 6 it rain on the

earth. And in v7 he used the dust (dirt, clay) and

formed us. In Jn 8:23 where Jesus says we are from

Gods breath and He is not of this world but we are

from this world. We are made from this world.

Is He better than us? Is he above us? Yes he is. God

sent him down so he can walk with us and redeem us.

Nothing good comes from the ground. When we play in

it what happens get dirty. Jesus was from Mary who

was untouched a virgin.

Lk 1:26-35 V35 The Holy Spirit will come upon and the

power of the Highest will come over you and shadow you

there for also that the Holy on who is to be born will

be called the Son of God.

Jesus was made to walk with us but he was not made of

us but for us. He was here to save us from His

Judgment Jesus was not made of dirt like we were but

He was born of poor stature. IE manger. He was born

with the animals How awful does that sound. The Son

of God born in a manger. But its also a blessing. He

wanted us to know him. He wanted us not to be judged

so he brought Son down so we can avoid judgment.

Ps 50: 4 That he may judge His people.

We belong to him. V7 I am Your God..

He is our God. He made us we are his Creatures which

he made. He gave us life. No one else did he did.

We became a living being when he breathed in us the

breath of life. Think about it. We are alive because

breathed on us. I think that is so awesome.

God had created the animals for us to enjoy. He

created woman from us. So that we may tend to the

earth. We are created in his image. He cares for us

so much and look at all that he has done for us. Both

in Genesis and the gospels. He gave us life. We

Turned from him, but what did He do he gave us his Son.

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