
Summary: This King of Glory is our Creator, Savior, Warrior.

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December 4, 2022 – Advent 2 – PSALM 24

INTRO: Psalm 24 asks the same question twice: “Who is this King of Glory?” There were many kings in biblical times. Most were not good. “Who is this King of Glory?” serves as good question theme for today. “Jesus Christ…went to heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers made subject to him” (1 PETER 3:22). Good reminder: All authorities are subject to Jesus.

“WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY?” I. Creator. II. Savior. III. Warrior


A. Verse 1. “The earth is the LORD’s and everything that fills it, the world and all who live in it.”

1. The Lord God created everything. The whole earth (universe) belongs to him.

2. Humanity was the crowning glory of creation. Created man from what was created.

3. The Lord formed mankind from the dust of the earth. Gave people a soul. Special.

B. Verse 2. The Lord used great power by his word in creation. “Let there be…” And it was.

1. God created the basics needed for life. Earth needed light and water. Word created.

2. The Lord spoke everything into existence. “Let there be…” Creation. King = Creator.

C. Out of nothing the King of Glory created everything. This is the simple and powerful truth of God’s Word. Scripture gives us the definition of creation. “By faith we know that the universe was created by God’s word, so that what is seen did not come from visible things” (HEBREWS 11:3). It is only by faith that any can truly understand that the Lord made everything from nothing. People do not create. We use what is already created to bring our plans into being. We start with something. We need and use materials the Lord has already created. Or provided. Creative power belongs to our Creator.

D. To speak something into being is an absolutely, incredible display of divine power. There in nothing like it. This the same divine power changes our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. We are born sinners. Enemies of God. The power of the King of Glory, Creator, changes all that. “For the God who said, ‘Light will shine out of darkness,’ is the same one who made light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the person of Jesus Christ” (2 CORINTHIANS 4:6). The Lord MADE his light shine in our hearts. This Light gives us the knowledge of the glory of God. Power.


A. Verse 3. The Lord asks who can stand before him: on the mountain of the Lord, in his holy place?

1. Verse 4. Answer: Those with clean hands, pure hearts, and with nothing false can stand.

2. Hmm. Clean hands, pure hearts, no lies…includes...not one person. All are sinners.

B. Verse 5. Blessing from the Lord comes from the righteous God who alone saves.

1. This King of Glory forgives sins. Cleanses hands, hearts, and souls. Savior.

2. Verse 6. The Creator made his Light shine in hearts so people look to the Lord. Seek Savior.

C. Sin challenges today’s society. Our world does not want to talk about sin. Truthfully, no one wants to hear they are sinful. We do not like to be reminded that all our righteous acts are filthy rags. Like the wind our sins sweep us away. The Lord reminded Noah that man’s heart is only evil all the time. The Psalm writer declares there is not one who does good. Sin is real. Sin is soul-destroying. We need to hear about our sin. See our sin. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 JOHN 1:8). Knowing we are sinners moves us to realize our need for a Savior. King of Glory.

D. The Apostle Paul spent his early adult life persecuting followers of the Way. The Way of Christ crucified. Paul brought them to justice because they were not following the way of the church. On his way to Damascus for more victims the Lord made his Light shine in his heart. A new life in Christ was created. Paul confessed that everything in the world was rubbish in comparison to knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. “…and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, which comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness that comes from God by faith” (PHILIPPIANS 3:9). The King of Glory is our Savior. Our righteousness counts for nothing. The Law cannot and does not save. This King of Glory is our Savior. The Gospel: Our Savior Jesus is our only salvation!

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