Who Is The Warrior? Revelation 19:11-17 Series
Contributed by Larry Hinkle on Oct 23, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: John sees Jesus return not as humble suffering servant but as a Mighty warrior--the greatest entrance of all time!I used Steve Harvey's introduction of Jesus Christ for an opener. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCRW3pQft1U
There has never been such an amazing, beautiful entrance described in Revelation 19. This is the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, John called it our blessed hope, when He returns. Jesus promised, I will come back, first time he came to fulfill the prophets witness as suffering servant, this next itme time, he will return as King of kings and Lord of lords. And there will be no question of His power and dominion at the 2nd Coming.
We live in a society where EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE KING. Everybody wants to be on top. We idolize movers and shakers, the rich and famous, athletes and artists, politicians and influencers, personalities and movie stars, musicians and rappers, we even idolize pastors & preachers! WHAT? We give Titles of Notoriety to people based on a diluted nobility. Benny Goodman (King of Swing), Otis Redding (King of Soul), TV show called King of Queens, & Howard Stern (King of shock Media), Elvis Presley King of Rock & Roll, Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, LeBron James, is simply called THE KING.
Well, last time I checked, Benny Goodman couldn’t swing it, he died in 1986. Otis Redding sittin by the dock of the bay, his ship sailed in 1967. James Brown said I feel good up till Christmas Day, 2006. King of Queens got canned in 2007. King of shock radio Howard Stern is still alive, but wow he LOOKS dead! Elvis Presley he left the building in 1977 thank you very much, & Michael Jackson, he said beat it, death beat him in 2009. In Cleveland LeBron, the king has been dethroned.
Church I know you know this but Kings of this world are temporary, but hail, Long Live KING Jesus! Revelation. 1:1, is John’s first hand Testimony, Jesus appeared said John I want to reveal something. First time I came as the Messiah of Israel, I fulfilled the promise of God’s messiah, the suffering servant, on that one dark day, an innocent lamb of God went up to Calvary, He died on cruel roman cross, they buried lifeless body in a borrowed tomb, sealed it for 3 days, and on the third day he broke death’s grip, the grave that previously had 100% success rate, on Easter morning death discovered it could not hold the author of life, creator of the universe, Jesus GOT UP! This book Is revelation, but the whole new testament is written testimony of those who also share first hand witness, Matthew said I saw him get up, Mark said, I did to, he is risen, Luke said I saw him he rose from the dead, John said I saw his empty grave, I saw him alive. Peter first hand testimony, he is alive, Paul said I met Him on the Damascus road. James the brother of Jesus and Jude, said He rose from the dead. Now last book in new testament, the apostle John is only one left of the 12, they were all persecuted and martyred as criminals for preaching the gospel of Jesus christ, John is in prison in isolation, how is this all going to end, this book is the Revelation of risen Jesus who appears, and reveals, at the end of the tribulation, you will see a mighty warrior, a king riding a white horse leading His army, and you will see others follow after him, who is this mighty warrior and who will follow Him? John said it was the armies of heaven. Mighty warrior leading the armies of heaven and they will claim final victory over satan, over the grave for eternity, heaven's Angels get excited, begin to worship. shout, halleluia!
As we Read through this section some other questions arise, How does Jesus gain this victory? Is there a battle, violence and bloodshed, Very interesting, the Bible describes Jesus’ weapon, its coming from His mouth is a sharp sword! What John is describing is fascinating, the only weapon used by Jesus, is a sword and its connected to his mouth! What an amazing picture! John doesn’t describe any conflict, it appears There is no battle. It is not even a contest. In fact, the victory is spoken, the sword is Jesus Word and with the spoken word, the announcement, the battle is over. The Lord simply picks up the antichrist and his false prophet and drops them into the lake of fire. The sword coming out of Christ’s mouth, is this, he simply speaks the Word and it is done, they are gone. End of battle. End of story.
One Last image John sees, inscribed on Jesus’ thigh are these words, “the king of kings and lord of lords,” what does it mean that Jesus is LORD of lords? Paul wrote in Romans 10:9 would you say them with me, “… if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” How to be saved => confess Jesus Is Lord. I belong to Him, it means to affirm publicly, He owns me. (ask to borrow a Wallet, use wallet and explain concept of Lordship.) when u become a Christian, I confess with my mouth Jesus is Lord, I belong you to Jesus, and Jesus says, ok and everything you own belongs to me also, what do you have, what's in your wallet? money, pictures of family, credit, licenses, what else, my life, it all immediately becomes his property, its Yours lord. I release, transfer the title of ownership, these belong to Jesus, He is Lord. but here is absolutely incredible thing, Jesus says, Thank you, but right now I want to return all this to you, you gave me this stuff, it is mine, but I need you to be my steward, your family belongs to me, cars, property stuff, but I release and return them to you, but I need you to remember what that means, they are mine and when I need them, I don’t want you be upset, stingy possessive, if I ask you to use them for me, be a faithful steward as I entrust them to you. the stuff, car, house, family, kids entrusted to you, are surrendered to Him, they all belong to him, here is the cool thing, Jesus says, I return them to you, invest them in ways that serve me. Lordship salvation, is all about honor for the king of kings, lord of Lords. He alone is sovereign, and worthy of Power, honor, glory and praise! If all christ offered me was peace with my past with all my regrets and resentments, that would be enough, if all Jesus ever provided was power for my present with all the pressures to conform to the world standard and expectations, that power to overcome temptation would be enough. But it is so much more that peace with my past, and power for my present, Jesus mission is also hope for the future despite all the pessimism of the world. His promise over and over in scripture is He’s coming back again. I am excited as I imagine, kings and lord of lords, One day when the Lord cracks the sky. John is saying to us, Church when you see the mighty warrior split the sky, know it is blessed hope and all the things you have longed for are being fulfilled.