
Summary: who is a Pentecostal?

Who is a Pentecostal, are they someone who goes by feelings, are they someone who is following a false doctrine, or are they someone who is doing something that is not for today? Who is a Pentecostal, (first, second, third:

1. A Pentecostal is Someone Who Knows The Fullness Of Pentecost.

Who is a Pentecostal, a Pentecostal is someone who knows the fullness of Pentecost, Pentecost is not a denomination, it's not a doctrine, or a something that is causing a division, it is a fullness to let Jesus be Lord in your hear, home, and habits. Notice in Acts 2:1, "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." Who is a Pentecostal, it's someone who knows the fullness of being in one accord in one place seeking for the Holy Spirit in their life everyday!

2, A Pentecostal is Someone Who Knows The Anointing Fire of Pentecost.

Who is a Pentecostal, a Pentecostal is someone who knows the anointing fire of Pentecost, it's an anointing super-natural fire that burns in the life of a believer that anoints them for praying, praising, and preaching God's Word in the super-natural power of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2: 2&3, we read, "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them clover tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them." Who is a Pentecostal, it's someone who knows the anointing super-natural power of the Holy Spirit as they pray, praise, and preach the Word of God!

3. A Pentecostal is Someone Who Knows The Filling of Pentecostal.

Who is a Pentecostal, a Pentecostal is someone who knows the filling of Pentecost, the ability to speak in the super-natural l language of the Holy Spirit as a testimony of the person, power, and the Holy Spirit to perform the gifts of the gifts of the Holy Spirit through you. "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Who is Pentecostal, a Pentecostal is Someone who knows the filling of Pentecost as a testimony of the person, power, and the Holy Spirit performing the gifts of the Holy Spirit through you. (John 15:26, he shall testify of me, Acts 1:8, ye shall receive power, Jn 14:12, and greater works than these shall ye do).

Altar Call: How many will stand with me today to say, I want the know the fullness, fire, and filling of the Holy Spirit in my life today!

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