
Summary: God has already seen your trials and troubles for the next year. The Lord Jehovah has gone before you. He has already been to where you are going. He gets there first. However, the church also facing danger behind; enemies may attack her in her hinder

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Isaiah 52:12

The Church of Christ is continually represented under the figure of an army. How comforting is this text to the believer who recognizes himself as a soldier and the whole church as an army! The church has its infallible guide - PROVISION, “For the Lord will go before you." See Psalm 23:5. He who goes before, like a shepherd before the flock, providing pasture for them. The Lord shall go before you. He is out front of us. He is at the point leading the way.

Jonathan, my son in Iraq leads— he is at the point. He told me he likes this cause he gets there first.

God has already seen your trials and troubles for the next year. The Lord Jehovah has gone before you. He has already been to where you are going. He gets there first.

However, the church also facing danger behind; enemies may attack her in her hinder part, "and the God of Israel shall be her rereward." - invincible guard - PROTECTION.

“Rereward” is another spelling for rearward and is

related to rear guard. It is found six times in scripture: Numbers 10:25; Joshua 6:9, 13; 1Samuel 29:2; Isaiah 52:12, 58:8. The rereward acts both as a rear guard and as reserve forces. Rereward means to "gather up," that is, to bring up the rear.

We are in a warfare (Ephesians 6). However, we rest assured that the Lord is our rereward. God has your back.


I am a caring mother.

My son has gone to war.

My mind is filled with worries

that I have never known before.

Each day I try to keep my thoughts

from turning dreadfully black.

I may be scared, but I am proud.

My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife,

with a husband soon to go.

There are times I’m terrified

in a way most never know.

I bite my lip and force a smile

as I watch my husband pack.

My heart may break, but I am proud.

My husband’s got your back.

I am a small and precious child.

My Dad’s been sent to fight.

The only place I’ll see his face,

is in my dreams at night.

He will be gone too many days

for my young mind to track.

I may be sad, but I am proud.

My daddy’s got your back.

I am a U.S. soldier.

Serving proudly, standing tall.

I fight for freedom, yours and mine

by answering this call.

I do my job while knowing,

the thanks it sometimes lacks.

Say a prayer that I’ll come home.

It’s me who has got your back.

The concept of a "rear guard" was important to the

Israelites. There were soldiers who went before the people, assuring no enemies were waiting ahead. There were also soldiers who followed them, ensuring no enemy could come up on them unawares. The need of a "rear guard" is seen in treachery of the Amalekites, who followed the Israelites in their flight from Egypt (Deut 25:17-18). These treacherous and crafty people took advantage of those who did not keep up with the ranks. Some of them were tired and weary, and could not keep up with the footmen. For this reason, they fell prey to the Amalekites.

With this in mind, our text states, "the God of Israel will be your rereward," or rear guard.

Thus, the very graphic image is presented of the people of God sandwiched between Divine provision before and Divine protection behind. He follows behind us to guard us from crafty foes.

The truth of this situation is proclaimed many different ways in Scripture. Jesus is the "author and finisher" of our faith (Heb 12:2). The term "beginning and the end" conveys the same meaning (Rev 21:6). It is also seen in the expression, "the first and the last" (Rev 1:17). He is before us and behind us–leading us and following us.

One of the grand articulations of the truth of the "rereward" is found in the 23rd Psalm. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever" (v 6). Believe it we have someone covering our back!

I. He SHIELDS (shelters) From Hidden Danger

He protects from attacks in the rear. He is watching our back.

Onward Christian Soldiers we are to march, but who is watching our back.

See Exodus 14:13-20.

Simply put rear guard covers the rear. You trust

them not to let anyone sneak up on you from the rear.

II. He SUPPORTS In Times of Defeat

He supports us when we are defeated Paul (2 Timothy 4:9-17).

III. He STRENGTHENS At Our Points of Weakness

He plugs up holes in the line. He send us reinforcements when we need it. Oftentimes someone comes along to encourage us. Do you know who sent them? It was the rear guard!

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