
Summary: We have here a valuable insight into God's tenderness. Some may feel that preaching on cattle and God's concern for animals is irrelevant, and unworthy of pulpit time. If that be so, you only reveal how little you know of what God has revealed about Himself.

Henry Bergh was the founder of the American Humane

Movement, which about one hundred and thirty years ago

brought about the first child protective laws in this country.

He drew attention to the case of Mary Ellen who was beaten,

and the chained by her parents. This led to laws being

passed. Very interesting is the fact that Mr. Bergh was also

the lawyer who brought about the first laws for the

protection of animals. He linked children and animals

together in his compassion, for both have the same problem.

They are innocent and helpless victims of the cruelty of the

adult world.

This attitude which brought about the humane societies of

the world did not have its origin in man, however, for the

Bible makes it clear that God is the author of all the

principles upon which humane societies are founded. Here

in the book of Jonah we see that God also links children and

animals in His compassion. Like children, cattle are innocent

of any rebellion against their Creator, and God has no

delight in the slaughter of the innocent. God has pity even

upon the cattle. What a precious word of assurance, for the

Old Testament times were often so violent and bloody, and so

great was the destruction that it is easy to doubt if God really

cares for the innocent. But here is His own testimony to the

fact that He does care for children, and even cattle.

We have here a valuable insight into God's tenderness.

Some may feel that preaching on cattle and God's concern

for animals is irrelevant, and unworthy of pulpit time. If

that be so, you only reveal how little you know of what God

has revealed about Himself. If we believe in the verbal

inspiration of the Bible, then we must agree that all of its

words are important. There are 143 references to cattle in

the Bible, and literally thousands of references to other

creatures of God's creation. To say that all of this is

irrelevant, and mere fill, is to accuse God of doing a third

rate job in revealing Himself.

I think you will be amazed at just how relevant animals

are in Scripture as we take God's concern for them seriously,

and see how they are linked with man in all of God's

dealings. The first thing we want to observe is how children

and animals are linked together in Scripture.


We need not look at every reference, but only at example

of the types of reference. In Deut. 3:19, after God

commanded the men of valor to pass over and conquer, he

says, "But your wives, your little ones, and your cattle (I

know you have many cattle) shall remain in the cities..."

Cattle were, like the women and children, to be kept a safe

distance from battle. There are other references to this as


In the Ten Commandments we see that God is not just

concerned that men get rest on the Sabbath, but He cares for

the health of animals as well, and so He includes them in His

Sabbath law. Duet. 5:14 says, "But the seventh day is a

Sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any

work, you, or your son, or your daughter, or your man

servants, or your maid servants, or your ox, or your ass, or

any of your cattle...." Who cares for cattle? God does, and

so much so that He is the author of the first laws for animal

protection. There are many more, but for now we are only

looking at how animals and children are linked together.

One of the most vivid passages is Isa. 11:6 where we see

the ideal of universal peace where God will reign supreme,

and children and animals are friends." The wolf shall dwell

with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid,

and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little

child shall lead them." Usually this text is quoted in

reference to children leading adults, but we see that it is

really about them leading animals. No society is pleasing to

God where children and animals are not protected from

cruelty. God cares about what man does to His creation.

Man was given dominion over all animals, but they are not to

be mistreated. William Cowper put it this way,

The sum is this: If man's convenience, health,

Or safety interfere, his rights and claims

Are paramount, and must extinguish theirs;

Else they are all, the meanest things that are,

As free to live, and to enjoy that life,

As God was free to form them at the first,

Who in His sovereign wisdom made them all.

Cruelty and useless killing of animals is contrary to a

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