
Summary: This epistle to Romans begins with an introduction of Paul, to Jesus Christ, and the believers in Christ.God never looks in us as to where we live, who are our neighbors, but he expects us to bring changes among them. Believers must be people of catalyst.

Studies on Romans - WEEK 2

Text: Romans 1:1-7 Salutations

Romans 1:1-7 Introduction

This epistle to Romans begins with an introduction of Paul, to Jesus Christ, and the believers in Christ.

Introduction of Paul (Romans 1:1)

Paul introduces himself as a servant of Jesus, the bond slave of Jesus as an honored title, and he also claims that he is an Apostle of Jesus Christ though, Paul was not one among the twelve apostles. However, he had done the works at par with them and excelled in certain areas. Paul obeyed the call and executed the will of God among the Gentiles. Paul's identity title has come from the Lord for his contribution to missionary work and his encounter with Christ Jesus. The apostleship of Paul indicates his obedience to the call for gospel work and establishing the Kingdom of God in the hearts of Gentiles. Apostleship is not a privilege but a responsibility. Any title we enjoy in Christian life, Church demand more accountability, stewardship to preach the Gospel of Christ. As Paul expressed his faith and the revelation of the Gospel to the Gentiles, believers are expected to carry out the work of the Kingdom of God. He was also set apart for the Gospel. The Pharisees claimed their status of being set apart for the Law as a special privilege, but Paul had redefined his background as Pharisees as set apart salve of God for the advancement of the Gospel and His Kingdom.

Introduction to Jesus (Romans 1:2-5)

Jesus has two natures, He is the Son of Man and Son of God. Son of Man indicates the human nature of Jesus. He moved with all characteristics of a man with flesh and blood. Yet, without Sin. He is the seed of David, a man after God’s own heart. He is the promise of God to reign as King forever. The title Son of God refers to the Divine nature he possessed and had the spirit of holiness. He had attested this nature through his resurrection power after his death on the cross. He is the promised one and found in the Scriptures. He is the channel of grace. We are called to reflect the godly natures through our lifestyles. “Those that would not be convinced by that would be convinced by nothing” (Matthew Henry). We are the apostles of God through Christ. Our main work is bringing obedience among the Gentiles, and the unborn must have a reborn experience, and many have to turn to Christ through our life activities.

Introduction to Believers (Romans 1:6-7)

Our identity is found in Christ, we are in Christ! We belong to Christ. Jesus has saved us from the SIN of the world. Christ has washed us from our sins and declared us as Saints. Sainthood has conferred upon us as soon as we accept the sacrifice and salvation available in Christ Jesus. Living in Christ increases the grace and peace to us from God the Father through God the Son. Paul expressed that God loved the believers in Rome, and they are valued as saints of God. He removed their identity crises and equaled his faith with their faith in Christ. Paul wanted to affirm that though Rome was filled with Idols, entrepreneurs and Kings of the Roman empire still are loved by God and called them out of the darkness into the light of the Gospel. God never looks in us as to where we live, who are our neighbors, but he expects us to bring changes among them. Believers must be people of catalyst.


1. How do you Introduce yourselves to others regarding your faith?

2. What is your doctrine on understanding the Son of God and Son of Man?

3. Define Saints.

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