Who Are The Overcomers? Series
Contributed by Larry Hinkle on Oct 23, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: In spite of a very hostile culture and severe persecution of Christians, Jesus identified ones who overcame in the tribulation. These are found faithful despite persecution. They are called by Jesus overcomers. Who are these overcomers and what are the keys to victory?
There is a battle going on in the world, struggle for worship, Satan’s goal to hinder love, to undermine loyalty, trust, and obedience to God’s word and will. the assignment Jesus gives to John, comes at a time when heavy persecution against faith. Jesus said John, write to the church, my love letter, words of encouragement for discouraged people. Write to the church, that is you and me, Write, what was, what is now, and what will happen later. church knows the gospel, is about a kingdom established by Jesus, about the ultimate victory sealed at the cross Jesus life, death and resurrection has overcome evil, powers, principalities, wickedness, and Satan himself, but right now in this period of history, Satan has for a season been given a limited power to battle against the message of the gospel, he will stir the world to reject the message, to resist the Holy Spirit, and even to persecute the messengers of the gospel, in John’s day Satan is very successful. 10 disciples are martyred, John is in prison. Church heavily persecuted, many have fallen away, not looking hopeful or hearing much good news about the possibility of the kingdom of God established on earth. John remains faithful, in his prison isolation Jesus appears and shares revelation about what was, what is happening now, and then uncovers, gives a revelation of what will happen in the last days. That is where we are in Revelation 12, set smack dab in the middle of a 7 year tribulation time on planet earth. We discover in spite of a very hostile culture and severe persecution of Christians, there are many who are identified as overcomers. i.e. they are faithful in their resistance and perseverance in spite of antichrist’s persecution and they are called by Jesus overcomers. Who are these overcomers? Read Revelation 12:7-11
Two sons were born into a family, identical twins, but their personalities, outlook life differed radically. One was an optimist, hopeful, grateful, anticipating the best in life. His brother on the other hand was a pessimist, complainer, not hopeful. The parents were very concerned, decided a plan for their 6th birthday to help the optimist lower his expectation, become more realistic, and encourage the pessimist to be more hopeful and happy. Plan had to do with presents, parents filled a room full of fun toys, games, and electronics. To the pessimist they said, Son here are your presents, we love you, enjoy your birthday. The other son was led out back to an old shed filled with horse manure. Son here is what we got you for your birthday present. They left him in the shed filled with horse manure. Hour went by, and they decided to check on how their plan would be received, arrived at the room with the pessimist, discovered their son siting in the middle of the toys grumbling and complaining, what’s wrong son? “Well these aren’t the toys i saw advertised that I really wanted, this one batteries are dead, and this ones broken!” “well!” said dad to mom, ”that didn’t work, at least there’s an optimist who will get more realistic, less hopeful about life after receiving a pile of manure for a birthday gift.” They went to shed, did not see him but heard shouts of joy and saw clods of horse manure flying through the air, “son what are you doing in the pile of manure?” Mom and dad I am digging, cause I know with all this manure, there has got to be a pony somewhere! When life gives you a pile of manure, look for the pony! In John’s day, experienced rejection, persecution, wonder, How did they not only persevere, but persevere to achieve victory in most hostile culture, I want to look at the secret of their success, formula that allows them to stand the test, resist the pressures of the world. How to be an overcomer.
They realized and were assured of good news! Satan was defeated, At the cross, God judged him and overthrew him. He has been afforded a limited reign of influence today, yet I can’t wait to see that nail scarred foot one day finally trampling on the head of that old serpant the devil. In Rev. we hear about the ongoing struggle, in the last days, the fury and wrath of the Beast will intensify. But there will be some who are overcomers. Jesus tells John what the weapons are that will defeat ultimately the devil and his power. may I ask you to read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 with me. “we do not wage war, as the world does, the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds.“ Who are these overcomers, and what are These weapons they fight with? In rev. 12, We hear about the people of God who have power to overcome and hurl down the accuser of the brethren, they triumph over him, Jesus tells John my people win, an angel announces, verse 11, 3 keys to the victory, don’t miss this, we have at our disposal 3 weapons which have divine power, that we will use to overcome and conqueror the enemy: 1. the blood of the Lamb, 2. the word of our testimony, and 3. Selfless Life that does not love this world so much that it would shrink out of the fear of death. (Rev. 12:11). They use these 3 mighty weapons to defeat the accuser of the brethren.