
Summary: This is a simple sermon that deplicts the question of who am I and the right answer as far as having the right relationship with God.

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Who am I? 5/8/2005

John 14:6

There use to be a TV game show that I liked to watch where you would have different celebrities that would put on blindfolds and then someone would come out and the job of the celebrities was to ask questions to try and identify the person.

And the same words that were used in the show still come up today. “Who am I?” Today we have more modern games like Gestures where we act out certain things to get the other players to say what we are doing? But sometimes the game gets more serious. Some people will use the question of who am I in a different way other than some game.

So this morning lets look at this question of who am I and see if we can find the answers from God’ s word.

Who am I as the excuse? (Exodus 3:11)

Here we read about Moses making up the excuse of who am I when asked to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. Now when you think about it, Moses whole life was designed for that purpose. Think about it.

First you had the miraculous saving of his life. Pharaoh had sent out a decree that all Hebrew males should be killed by drowning them in the river. Moses was born then his mother hid him 3 months without getting caught. Now can you imagine keeping a baby quiet for that long? I can remember my oldest son, Zach, crying and crying. I would think why is he crying? Well we found out that he had colic; but babies cry. That is how they communicate with us and tell us they need feed and changed.

Then she placed him in a basket and put him in the reeds by the river not knowing what his destiny would be. And low and behold who comes down to the river to take a bath; Pharaoh’s own daughter.

She had her maid to bring Moses to her and he started crying and the Bible says, “She had compassion on him”. She realized that he must have been crying because he must be hungry and so she sends Moses own sister to find one of the Hebrew women to nurse him. So sisters goes and gets mom and then Pharaoh’s daughter tells his mom, “Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.”

Not only is she getting her son back, but also she now is getting paid to raise him. Now if that is not God’s hand at work. So when he is grown his mom sends him to the Palace and learns what it is like to be the grandson of Pharaohs. He probably saw the Pharaoh often and sat at his table and developed a relationship with him.

So when God knew that he was ready he allowed him to kill an Egyptian so he has to flee the pleasures of the palace and dwell in the deserts of Midian. Strange for him to live in a desert; did it ever accrue to you that it might just be more training ground for the task that God has given him to do?

So who am I? Who else was more qualified? Who else had a better inside track? Who else had the experience to live in the desert? Moses whole life was just God preparing him to do what he had asked him to do.

We should never ask God, “Who am I? “ when He ask us to do something. Because God will not ever ask you to do anything that He will not have planed and prepared and empowered you to do it. And God tells Moses, “I will certainly be with you”.

So as you go through the trails in your life, when you are having to live in your deserts, then just think; it might just be God preparing you to do something. Don’t make excuses just thank God for the opportunity to serve Him.

Who am I in Humbleness (1 Chronicles 29:12-14)

Here we find King David giving praise to God. David is best known as the slayer of the giant, Goliath. And we know from reading the Bible that David was a good-looking man. He eventually became the King of Israel. Even God calls David a man after His own heart. David defiantly had a lot going on.

But even with all of that he was and all the he had, David knew where everything came from. (Vs.14 For all things come from You)

I can remember a song that Mac Davis sang talking about how hard it was to be humble. And although that song was written to be funny, it is a sin that affects many. People start answering the question of who am I with I am something else. We are within ourselves nothing. We cannot do anything without His power or His permission. He empowers us to do His will then sometimes he allows us to try things our way. Go ahead, try it your way and maybe then you will be ready to do it My way.

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