
Summary: Who’s boss? Is Jesus Christ really the Lord of your life? At this very moment, Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, or He is not. Either you have surrendered your life to Him and He is running the show, or you are still at the help of your life.

Who’s Boss?

Colossians 1:15-18 ; Philippians 2:5-11

1. God said He was Acts 2:36

2. Because of creation Colossians 1:15-18

3. Jesus said He was John 13:13

4. It is His destiny Phil 2:5-11

5. Because He bought us 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

6. God’s plan is best. Jeremiah 29:11

Who’s boss? Is Jesus Christ really the Lord of your life? The word Lord (kurios) means: master, supreme, emperor, king, monarch, victor, ruler, boss. And at this very moment this morning, Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, or He is not. Either you have surrendered your life to Him and He is running the show, or you are still at the help of your life. And you know, you know, if Jesus is really the Lord of your life.

Of all creation, you are the only part of creation that has the right of choice.

Birds of the air



But we as men and women can decide for ourselves. And somewhere along the path we have mistakenly believed we have the right to decide for ourselves and frankly our track record is not too strong. Just look around:

Sex abuse amongst clergy

Sex trafficking


Divorce: for 1st time in nation’s history, more kids raised in single parent homes…


Genocide in Syria

And maybe part of the problem is that we have been contenting ourselves with the kind, appealing Jesus instead of the strong, powerful, commanding Jesus. We somehow feel that if we place our faith in Jesus and get saved that we have done Him a favor…. Jesus does not pander to sinners; He commands us to follow Him. And at this very moment this morning, Jesus is either the Lord of your life or He is not. You have either transferred control to Him or you are still running the show yourself.

Want to read two passages of scripture and then give you six reasons why Jesus should be the Lord of your life.

Colossians 1:15-18 (on screen)

Philippians 2:5-11 (on screen)

1. God said He was Acts 2:36 (on screen)

2. Because of creation Colossians 1:15-18 (no verses)

We just read that all things were created by Christ and for Christ, and that by Christ, all things hold together.

3. Jesus said He was John 13:13 (on screen)

4. It is His destiny Phil 2:5-11. (no verses)

The scripture says that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess…

Of those in heaven: Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, John the B, Peter…will all bow…

Of those on earth: Trump, Pelosi, Kim Jong Un, Putin, and R. Kelly will all bow…

And those under the earth: Nero, Mohammed, Hitler, Stalin, and all the rest will bow and declare that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

5. Because He bought us 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (on screen)

6. God’s plan is best. Jeremiah 29:11 (on screen)

If you don’t get anything else, will you get that?


Well at best, life is not a bed of roses or a bowl of cherries. But in all the circumstances of life, we should be able to say, “Jesus is Lord!”

Confusion Trust in the Lord with all your heart

Doubt I believe; help my unbelief




When the last trumpet sounds

His lordship is reasonable, real, and reliable

Makes Jesus the Lord of your life…

Purpose revealed in your life

Plan carried out in your life

Promises will fulfilled in your life

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