
Summary: Be sure God has not called you to stay where you are before you run off to be used of Him.

Is it not odd that people who believe in the omnipresence of God seek somewhere they feel closer to Him. He not the God of the oceans, the mountains or the fields. He is the God of the universe so wherever you are He is there.

If you are not hearing from Him it is not a location problem. It is a reception problem. He is speaking and He is present, but your heart is tuned into some other station and your eyes are closed.

1 Cor 7:20 Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.

Too often when we are first saved or when we have cooled off or when we have heard a fiery sermon we feel the need to go somewhere and do something different than what we are doing in some place other than where we are.

Many missionaries have given me a momentary urge to go where they are serving, but then I realized that is not my calling though I have often wished that it were as people where they are seem more open to the Lord than many Americans.

Only a small percentage serve in the Armed Forces so that the majority can live their lives in peace. If you study the Word, there are usually only a small percentage of God's people who were called to serve somewhere other than where they were. The rest served and lived their lives where they were saved unless persecution scattered them or took them into captivity.

I wonder if more often than not, we have have jumped the ship God wanted us to sail on be it a dinghy or a trawler to find that golden cruise ship looking for ease or a battleship looking for glory. Indeed, many of God's servants received no earthly glory albeit some gained more after their death than during their life. Many were just living a life in the orchard, factory or whatever calling they were called in being salt and light.

Many saints have lived a dangerous life and a simpler life because of where they were born. They did not live in mansions, drive luxury cars or worship in a church with the newest tech, the best worship music, padded seating and climate control. Indeed, low or no tech, a Capella singing and wooden benches in straw or clapboard huts might be more conducive to worship. More quiet and less distractions.

Before you jump ship and run off to bible college or head for whatever you think is the Promised Land make sure you are not leaving your true calling and the people He called you to serve. There will be no contentment if you leave and like Jonah you may someday have a whale ride back to where you started. Maranatha!

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