
Summary: We learn faith through trials and tribulations that come upon us.

Text: Jesus said, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22).

What does it mean to have faith?

Does it mean that you believe in something without a shadow of doubt?

Does it mean you are so sure in something or someone that you would be willing to give up your life because you believe so strongly?

The American Heritage Dictionary gives this definition of faith: “Faith is a confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. It is a belief that does not rest on logical proof of material evidence.”

Jesus said, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22). In order to have faith in God, we must be a believer. We must believe that God has always existed and will continue to exist. We must believe that He created us as well as everything else we have.

We believe the words of John when he said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:1-4).

We must believe that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

When we believe these things, we realize we cannot save ourselves. Since we cannot save ourselves, what is our destiny? We are only going to live on earth for a certain number of years, but what is our future after we die.

This is where faith comes into play. We place our faith and trust in the only Person who can save us, and that person is none other than God Himself. “Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8).

When we place our faith in God, trust Him with all of our heart, and realize He is our help, we will always be a victor and not a victim. The things that seem too great for us are nothing to God. The mountains of difficulties that stand before us will not hold us back because God is our helper.

There is no depth or width of trouble waters that we will not be able to cross because of our faith and trust in Almighty God. Paul said to the Romans, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

God wants the best for His children. All we have to do is place our faith in Him. We can believe Him by reading His Word and taking it as truth. We can believe Him by listening to others as they speak His Word to us. We can sing hymns written in His honor. We can accept His love and believe that our destiny is with Him in His heavenly mansion just over the hilltop.

We place our faith, our confidence, our hope, our belief and our total conviction that God loves us so much that “He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Story: “Seeing – and Believing”

Two children were playing on a hillside, when they noticed that the hour was nearing sunset, and one said, wonderingly: “See how far the sun has gone! A little while ago it was right over that tree, and now it is low down in the sky.”

“Only it isn’t the sun that moves; it’s the earth. You know, Father told us” answered the other. The first one shook his head. The sun did move, for he had seen it, and the earth did not move, for he had been standing on it all the time.

“I know what I see,” he said triumphantly. “And I believe Father,” said his brother. So mankind divides still – some accepting only what their senses reveal to them, the others believing the Word of God.

--------------Christian Herald

There are people today who place their faith only in what they can see. Faith does not involve something that is visible. God’s word says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Remember being a child and waiting for Christmas to come. How did you feel? I remember how anxious I was Christmas Eve. I had a difficult time going to sleep. I went to bed early, but that only made the night longer. I knew I would get the usual things; socks, underwear, pants, shirt and so on. I usually wanted something special, but there was always the possibility I would not get it. I placed my faith in Santa Claus believing he would bring what I asked for.

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