
Summary: Have you found Him? Do you know Him? What place does Christ Jesus have in your life, in your world? Where is He?

Where Is He? – Matthew 2: 1 - 12

Intro: It was Christmas time and two children decided they were going to do their own version of a Christmas pageant using their cat as the baby Jesus. They wrapped the cat in “swaddling clothes” and put it in a doll cradle. Anyone who owns a cat knows that the cat wasn’t really into being the baby Jesus. He jumped out of the cradle and disappeared. The children searched the entire house saying, “Jesus, get back in your cradle.” (“Who did Jesus Come For” by Kim Zingle, SermonCentral) --- What do we expect of the baby Jesus? Do we search diligently for the infant so we can keep Him in the manger and out of our lives? Where is Jesus in your life?

I No Christmas pageant would be complete without coming of the three kings. Here in Matthew is the only place in the New Testament that we read the story of the arrival of the Magi who searched for the “King of the Jews.”

A Many people have asked basically two questions about these “three kings” or magi. The first question: “Who are they?” Actually, the word magi in GK. µ???? / magos has several meanings / oriental scientist / magician/ sorcerer / wise man.

B Virtually all we know about these “wise men” is in VSS. 1 & 2. We assume there were three because of the number of gifts that were later offered (VS. 11) We also know that they came from the East which could have been Babylon or Persia (today as Iraq or Iran). Ancient legends provide names for three; but, that is just legend.

C The 2nd question: Why did they come? Though we know little about them, we do know WHY they came. VS. 2 “We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” This raises another question in my mind: “Why would a Jewish king be sought by Gentiles so that they might worship him?” They not only came to SEE him but to present expensive gifts and humble themselves and worship Jesus.

II Some argue the importance of this story is that these men are so famous because they are the only men in history known to stop and ask directions.

A Actually, these people journeyed not to bring gifts; but, to declare their loyalty and reverence. Their first item of business was recorded in VS. 11 “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and the bowed down and worshiped him.”

B More important than the gifts or the number of magi is the reason they followed a star. Before they presented gifts, they worshiped.

C The same word appears in verses 2, 8, and 11. In Gk the word is p??s????? / proskuneo which means to prostate oneself in homage / to do reverence to / to adore / to worship. They came to worship / to declare their loyalty and reverence. Only after their act of devotion or worship, only after giving themselves completely to Christ Jesus, do they present their material gifts.

III This second Sunday of the Christmas season is known as the Sunday before Epiphany. The word Epiphany is from Koine Greek ?p?f??e?a, epipháneia, meaning manifestation or appearance.

A It is derived from the verb fa??e??, phainein , meaning "to appear." In classical Greek it was used for the appearance of dawn, of an enemy in war, but especially of a manifestation of a deity to a worshiper.

B The Magi came to worship and bow down to Jesus. They had their priorities straight: first homage, worship, giving of themselves utterly and completely to Christ; THEN, offering their gifts.

C Where is Christ Jesus in your life? Why do you come? Do you come to worship? Do you come to give? Do you come to GET? The truly wise come to worship by offering themselves as the ultimate gift.

Concl: There are those today who have become preoccupied with the holiday celebrations that they fail to do what is most important --- to seek him --- to worship him? Many have become apathetic and indifferent to Christ Jesus. Apathy sets in the minute we leave the church doors behind. Have you found Him? Do you know Him? What place does Christ Jesus have in your life, in your world? Where is He?

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