
Summary: What happened to the great miracles and the great acts written about long ago?

The scriptures tell us that JESUS CHRIST is the same, yesterday, today and forever, so, where are the signs and wonders.

Many people ask whatever happened to the great and mighty acts done by The MOST HIGH in times past. HE split the red sea, HE burnt up Elijah’s enemies, HE made the hands of a king wither, when the temple was being dedicated by Solomon, HIS presence was so undeniably present, HE spoke not only in signs and wonders but in pure, clear words. What happened? Why is there a lull in events or is there?

Here are my thoughts:

i.) The LORD had faithful and obedient people who listened to HIM and did what HE said. People like Abraham. The promises of GOD therefore resonated and reverberated over the generations, like a stone thrown onto still waters and the resultant ripple effect. We have with names like Levi being mentioned even before their grandfathers were born. And out of Levi’s loins comes Moses, who talked face to face with GOD. Wow! Beloved, a single act of obedience can do wonders for your children and children’s children, and I mean wonders. Maybe, your ancestors disobeyed The LORD, you, obey The LORD in that thing or matter HE has old you to do. It was not easy for Abraham to do, but he did and we are all singing “ father Abraham had many sons ....”. let us continue singing and obeying. To obey is better than sacrifice.

ii.) Faith. Countless sermons have been written about faith. Do you believe? Really?

Imagine Moses, the army of Egypt behind him, the Angel of The LORD was moving right there with them, the conversations between the people and Moses, the conversation between The LORD and Moses and The LORD tells him, Exodus 14:16-19 “..But lift up your rod.....”. Seriously, LORD, a stick?

But Moses did it. You may think the sea parted instantly but scripture says otherwise. Exodus 14: 21 implies that this took some time.

Picture this, with all that is going on, our Beloved Moses standing by the sea with a rod stretched out. Would you have done it? Imagine, the comments he may have received. “The enemy is behind us and you are standing there with your stick in a trance, we’re all doomed!” ..what devil entered us to listen to this man?” Beloved, if it was you, would you have done it? That explains why there are few split red seas nowadays. You are disobedient in little things in tough times. Maybe if you changed this, you would witness a lot more “split seas”.

iii.) You are a groupie. You believe too much in groups. Moses, the friend of GOD was not a groupie. If he was, he would have gone back to Egypt a long time ago together with Israel. So, be an individual on an individual and personal walk with The MOST HIGH. No eye has seen, no ear has heard what HE can do with and through you. As someone put it, friendship with the world, enmity with GOD.

Further, entrance into heaven is singular. Every man for himself. No groups are allowed in heaven, not even families or couples. Yes, beloved, in this regard, it is every man for himself. Beloved, sometimes leadership is a lonely path. Our SAVIOR YESHUA is not a groupie. When things were hot and his disciples fled, HE didn’t abandon ship and join them. HE stayed the course and now we are saved. HalleluYAH!

iv.) Maybe, The MOST HIGH does not want to split seas with you. Maybe you have to work on trust and allegiance. You know splitting seas comes with rewards physical and otherwise. What will you do after you have split the seas and people start worshipping you? Some will accept the worship, a little too gladly. What will you do when the worldly big shots try and strike a deal with you loaded with worldly goodies? What will you do, Beloved? You will not be the first to forget The ALMIGHTY and start hobnobbing with the high and mighty. Many have done so. The question is to you, what will you do?

v.) The MOST HIGH says signs and wonders shall follow the preaching of HIS Word. So, what are you preaching that these signs and wonders are not following your preaching?

vi.) You are very comfortable on this earth. Moses lived in a tent and was content to spend lots of time with The MOST HIGH. Our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, said that HE did not have a place to lay his head, never mind what prosperity preachers are telling you. Elijah after killing prophets of baal, bringing down fire from heaven and running faster than Ahab’s chariots, retreated to a space by the river. When he was told his time was up, there was nothing holding him to this world, just like there was nothing tying our SAVIOR JESUS to this world, not even HIS clothes, and nothing tying Moses to this world not even his body.

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