
Summary: David trust God's provision amidst an attack by Satanic forces.

Hall Street Baptist Church

Sunday Morning January 10, 2010

David is under attack by a physical and spiritual force that seeks to disrupt the promise and portion of God.

I. When the Philistines Heard About David.

A.The historical circumstances:

*David was anointed King over all Israel and the anointing was an endorsement by God.

*All the Philistines went out to get David. These were the same people who ran when David killed their giant Goliath. These were the same Philistines who had witnessed the miracles of God to the nation of Israel.

*They want to kill David. Why? Because he represented the dependability of God, the promise of God; the determinability of God. Some of the crowd is waiting for David to die.

*Many who claim Christianity are simply religious people who have heard about Christ. They know just enough vocabulary to get others to leave them alone. They go through the motions, knowing when to stand when to sit, when to give, when to quit. They have nothing solid inside.

II. Who are they listening to: Is it from God or is it from Satan?

A.If it is from God: Christians will want to be part of it.

Christains will want to encourage each other.

Christians will want to share what they know.

B.If it is from Satan: The people will want to become part of the gang; part of the click. It is easy to become part of the group that is going to get someone.

III. When God Breaks out Jeremiah 10:10-13

A.He wakes the modern church from it’s slumber. It is hard to hit snooze when God is buzzing in our ear.

B.When God breaks out it gives the church an incentive: To Win!

IV. The danger of quenching the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:19

We must began praising

Don’t stop praying

Love the word

Start proving

Apply Purifying.

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