When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going! Series
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 16, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: 'When the going gets tough.' Acts chapter 13 verses 4-12 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
(1). A Good Beginning (vs 4).
(2). A Unique Island (vs 4b-5a).
(3). An Unusual Response (vs 5).
(4). A Difficult Experience (vs 6a).
(5). A Show of Authority (vs 9-11).
(6). A Convert at Last! (vs 12).
• “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”
• Some of us a certain age, hear those words and think of Billy Ocean.
• He was an English singer and that was the title of his hit song in - anyone know the year?
• (1985).
• The song was used as the theme song for the Michael Douglas film,
• Anyone know which one? – (The Jewel of the Nile).
• (Looks like we have a few dinosaurs here this morning!)
• But that inspirational motto 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going'
• Did not originate with him, it has been around for many, many years,
• It started life as a coaching mantra in American Football circles.
• It joins other similar motivational phrases that use wordplay for effect,
• e.g. 'Failing to plan is planning to fail.'
• e.g. 'Better to die on your feet than live on your knees',
• The idea behind the saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”
• Is that when things are difficult, strong people take action and do not despair.
• TRANSITION: We will see that illustrated for us in today’s Bible passage.
• When Paul & Barnabas experience the ups and downs of changing circumstances.
(1). A Good Beginning (vs 4).
“Being sent out by the Holy Spirit...”
• William Carey was born in 1761 in Northamptonshire,
• He trained as a shoemaker, and was later ordained a Baptist Minister.
• In 1787, at a meeting of Baptist leaders,
• Carey was a newly ordained minister,
• He stood up at the meeting to argue for the value of overseas missions.
• He was abruptly interrupted by an older minister who said,
"Young man, sit down! You are an enthusiast. When God pleases to convert the heathen, he'll do it without consulting you or me."
• Well, I am glad to say Carey ignored that rebuke,
• Ang he himself would become an oversees missionary.
• He committed himself to life-long missionary work in India.
• And today we call him the 'father of modern missions'
• He has also been called the “father of Bengali prose”
• For his grammars, dictionaries, and translation work.
• TRANSITON: Some people have to fight to get to the mission filed,
• Many have gone without Church support and in difficult circumstances.
• That is NOT the case with Saul & Barnabas.
• These two missionaries are sent out by the Holy Spirit,
• These two missionaries had the Church’s blessing,’
• The leadership give Barnabas and Saul their BLESSING, “Laying hands on them”
• And the Holy Spirit gives them His AUTHORITY – he called them!
• Verse 5b tells us that “John was with them as their helper.”
• John is also referred to in the book of Acts as John Mark
• (Acts chapter 15 verses 36-40).
• It was common for Jews of the period to bear both,
• A Semitic name such as John (Hebrew: Yochanon),
• And a Greco-Roman name such as Mark.
• e.g. The apostle called Saul in verses 1,2,7&9.
• Suddenly is called Paul in verse 13,
• Saul was a Hebrew, Jewish name, Paul was a Greek name,
• And he will remain with the name Paul for the rest of the book of Acts,
• And he will also use it in his New Testament letters.
• Question: Why the two names and the change over?
• Answer: Geography & culture.
• It would make sense for Paul & Mark to use his Roman names,
• As he travelled farther and farther into the Gentile world.
• It is interesting that Paul began using his Roman name on the island of Cyprus,
• Which was ruled by a Roman proconsul,
• Who would hear the gospel and be interested in the message and maybe even converted,
For the three missionaries it was an excellent start.
• A good beginning:
• They started in a way that many missionaries never experience:
• With the backing of their local fellowship.
• I assume they would continue to fast and pray for them,
• And I would suggest they showed practical support financially as well.
• With the support of the Church and the assurance they are in the will of God,
• Barnabas, Saul & John Mark travelled the 16 mile journey west to Seleucia,
• And there they sailed for Cyprus.
• We do not know why they chose to go to Cypress: