
Summary: When Satan attacks, our natural response is often fear, anxiety, and doubt.

When Satan attacks, our natural response is often fear, anxiety, and doubt. But today, I want to share with you a powerful secret: when Satan attacks, praise God and glorify Him!

In Job 1:20-22, we see Job's response to unimaginable loss and suffering. What does he do? He worships God, saying, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."

In Psalm 34:1-3, David writes, "I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together."

When Satan attacks, we have two choices:

1. Let fear and doubt consume us, or

2. Praise God and glorify Him, despite our circumstances.

Praising God in the midst of trials:

1. Declares our trust in His sovereignty

2. Acknowledges His goodness, even in darkness

3. Shows our confidence in His ultimate victory

4. Silences the enemy's lies and accusations

5. Releases God's power and strength in our lives

So, when Satan attacks, remember: praise God and glorify Him! Let our worship be a weapon against the enemy, and may God's glory be our shield and defense.

Praise God

1. "Lord, I praise You for Your faithfulness in my life. You are my rock and my salvation, and I declare Your goodness over every area of my life."

2. "Father God, I thank You for Your love and grace that surrounds me. You are my shield and my defender, and I praise Your holy name."

3. "Jesus, I declare Your victory over my life. You are my Savior and my Redeemer, and I praise Your name forever."

4. "Holy Spirit, I thank You for Your guidance and wisdom. You are my comforter and my friend, and I praise Your presence in my life."

5. "God, I praise Your sovereignty and power. You are the Almighty God, and I declare Your dominion over every area of my life."

6. "Lord, I thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness. You are my hope and my salvation, and I praise Your loving kindness."

7. "Father God, I declare Your blessings over my family and friends. You are our provider and our protector, and I praise Your name."

8. "Jesus, I praise Your sacrifice and love. You are my everything, and I declare Your glory over my life."

9. "Holy Spirit, I thank You for Your gifts and talents. You are my enabler and my strength, and I praise Your work in my life."

10. "God, I praise Your faithfulness and provision. You are my God and my King, and I declare Your reign over every area of my life."

11. "Lord, I praise You for Your healing power and grace. You are my Healer and my Restorer, and I declare Your wholeness over my body and mind."

12. "Father God, I thank You for Your provision and abundance. You are my Provider and my Shepherd, and I praise Your generosity and care."

13. "Jesus, I declare Your peace and joy over my 1life. You are my Prince of Peace and my Joy-Giver, and I praise Your presence in my heart."

14. "Holy Spirit, I thank You for Your wisdom and guidance. You are my Counselor and my Guide, and I praise Your direction in my life."

15. "God, I praise Your creativity and beauty. You are my Creator and my Artist, and I declare Your splendor over my life and circumstances."

16. "Lord, I thank You for Your protection and safety. You are my Shield and my Refuge, and I praise Your watchcare over me."

17. "Father God, I declare Your favor and blessings over my life. You are my Father and my King, and I praise Your goodness and love."

18. "Jesus, I praise Your resurrection power and victory. You are my Risen Lord and my Conqueror, and I declare Your triumph over every area of my life."

19. "Holy Spirit, I thank You for Your comfort and encouragement. You are my Comforter and my Friend, and I praise Your presence in my life."

20. "God, I praise Your majesty and glory. You are my God and my King, and I declare Your reign over every area of my life and circumstances."

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