
Summary: how unbelief hinders God’s Work

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Matthew 13: 53-58


A. When Jesus finished the kingdom parables, He returned

home to Nazareth to visit

1. There, He taught in the synagog of Nazareth

a. No doubt, His message was the same it had been as He

traveled throughout Galilee

b. No doubt, that message was delivered in the

demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit

c. Jesus’ teaching left the people of Nazareth astonished

2. Even though Nazareth was impressed with Jesus’ wisdom

and mighty works, they were still offended at Him

a. They couldn’t see how a lowly carpenter’s son could be

Who He claimed to be and do what was being done

b. Even Jesus’ brothers rejected Him-- John 7:5

3. As a result of their unbelief, Jesus could do few mighty

works in Nazareth

B. Let’s notice tonight what keeps Jesus from doing mighty

works today


A. Jesus has told us what He can do through us

1. He has told us what will happen if we share His word

a. He has said it will not return void

b. He has said that it will convict the lost-- sword, hammer

c. He has said that He uses the Word of truth to bring

about the new birth-- James 1:18

d. James says as people receive the engrafted word, it is

able to save-- James 1:21

e. Jesus has said as we share the Word, He will be with us

and will anoint it with power

2. Jesus has told us what will happen when we pray

a. If we ask the Father anything in the name of Jesus, we

shall receive-- John 16: 23-24

b. Prayer can move mountains and obstacles when coupled

with faith

c. Hedges of protection can be prayed around our loved

ones-- Hosea

3. Jesus has even told us that we can do greater works than

He did if we will depend on Him-- John 14:12

4. Paul summed up what Jesus can do in the Christian life

when He said, I can do all things through Christ Who

strengtheth me

B. Our own unbelief keeps us from seeing mighty works done

in our lives

1. Notice what Satan has done to foster a spirit of unbelief

2. He has caused us to doubt God’s Word

a. He has caused us to doubt the very nature of God’s


b. He has caused us to doubt what Jesus has said by

interpreting the Bible through human reasoning

c. Some things in the Bible cannot be explained by human

reasoning-- they simply have to be accepted by faith

d. To doubt God’s Word is to extinguish faith and keep us

from seeing mighty works done in our lives

3. Satan has caused us to look at self rather than God in

order to foster a spirit of unbelief

a. God wants to do the supernatural through us

b. If we look at ourselves, we will say that it can’t be


c. That unbelief will extinguish faith and keep God from

doing a mighty work through us

d. Peter walking on water illus.

4. Unbelief keeps us from seeing mighty works done in our




A. Nazareth’s pride can be seen in their rejection of Jesus

1. They considered themselves as good or better than Jesus

so they rejected His teaching

2. The human pride that keeps us from seeing God’s work

done in our lives often manifests itself in:

a. Depending on a human program rather than God

b. Depending on personality and human wisdom

c. Depending on human resources

d. Depending on education

3. Pride also causes man to:

a. Claim credit for the work of God

b. Fight and argue over Who is the greatest in the kingdom

of God

c. Jesus will do no mighty work where He is not given the

glory for it

B. The attitude that allows God to do a mighty work

1. The attitude that allows God to do a mighty work in us is

one of humility

a. Humility is the attitude that realizes that even though we

may plant and water, it is God who gives the increase

b. Humility is the attitude that sees how sinful and weak

we are and yet is amazed that God can do anything in

and through us

c. Humility therefore gives God the credit and glory for all

that is done

2. The attitude that allows God to do a mighty work in us is

one of dependence

a. Its the attitude that realizes that without Him we can do


b. Dependence on God doesn’t keep us from doing all we

can to grow and prepare ourselves

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