
Summary: Power of Jesus Christ

Intro: every day we receive calls for some new program, some new method, some new series that will build the church of Jesus Christ. As we look at scripture we find that when Jesus shows up, you don’t need a program, you don’t need a plan, you don’t even need a pew. So tonight I would like to minister on the subject:


The Multitudes arrive: Matthew 5:1—when Jesus shows up, the crowds arrive. The best plan for growing the church is to make sure Jesus shows up. When Jesus Shows up, things happen.

Mark 2:1-2—when it was noised that Jesus was in the house, straightway many were gathered together, insomuch there was no room, even around the doors..

Devils Tremble—James 2:19- the devils also believe and tremble—everywhere you see Jesus show up, you see the devil tremble

He says, we know you Jesus the Son of God

They cry, are you coming to torment us before the time.

Some churches are afraid to speak about demon possession or Satanic influence in society. As if the Devil is all powerful. But the truth is, when Jesus shows up the devil trembles.

He Ruins Religion—Matthew 23: Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees- Jesus knock down the tables, Jesus got out a whip, Jesus spoke against traditions of men that went against the Word of God. He put down the way religion prayed, gave alms, and even the way the dressed. He even said, that your righteousness had to outweigh the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees to enter into heaven.

He said, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

He speaks with authority—Matthew 7:28-29 the people were astonished at his doctrine, because he taught as one having authority and not as the scribes.

When Jesus shows up, the Word of God is elevated. Not man’s theology, not man’s wisdom and learning. The cross is preached, the blood is preached, the power of God is preached. Authority over sin, over sickness, over death, over the devil.

When Jesus shows up, God’s glory is revealed. John 1:14—and the word became flesh, and we beheld his glory..

a. God’s voice speaking at his baptism—this is my beloved son, in him am I well pleased.

b. At the top of the mount of transfiguration- Matthew 17:2

Moses is there, Elias is there, and Jesus is there, but we read of Jesus that his face was as the sun, and his clothing like light

c. Finally we see Jesus in all his glory in revelation, where we read,

Revelation 21:23-and the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Close: tonight the secret of a great church, is a church where Jesus shows up. Because when Jesus shows up: the multitudes will come, the devil will tremble, religion will be ruined, there will be a word of authority, and the glory of God will be the light that shines in the service.

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Ralph Willis

commented on Oct 15, 2007

i love the the opening paragraph.

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