
Summary: This is the 13th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#13]


Matthew 26:36-56


1. In Christ’s last hours, He went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Christ was not looking forward to the cross; but He was going to be obedient to the Father.

2. Jesus had taken Peter, James, and John into the garden with Him, while the other 8 disciples were to sit and pray.

3. Look with me at how well the 11 followed instructions and compare that to your own life.

Matthew 26:36-46

When Jesus Says Pray…

1. The disciples slept.

2. Why pray? So we won’t fall into temptation. We must stay connected to the power source.

3. Jesus found them asleep 3 times; but He only woke them up 2 times. God does not force us to pray. Having not prayed, they got up to go with Jesus.

Matthew 26:47-55

When Jesus Says Love…

1. The disciples fought.

2. Who are we to love? Everyone.

1 John 4:19-21

3. Peter, in his anger, tried to fight on his own. Regardless of the situation we are to love.

Matthew 26:56

When Jesus Says Follow…

1. The disciples ran.

2. What must we do to follow?

Luke 9:23

3. When times get tough, what do you do?


1. How is your prayer life?

2. How are you doing in the area of loving all people with a Christ type love?

3. Are you following Christ?

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