
Summary: A word from God to incourage the needy to receive their healing.


JOHN 20: 30&31

1. (Verse 19)-----He brings peace.

2. Just any room won’t do: It may be the sanctuary, a sunday school room, or a room in your

house, but it has to become occupied by Jesus.

3. He will take away your fear:

a. fear can cause you to doubt

b. fear keeps your mind occupied

c. but peace settles you down so you can receive

4. You may have shut yourself up in a room, but Jesus has the power to come in.

5. (Verse 20)-----When He shows up, his purpose is to make you glad.

6. (Verse 21)-----He doesn’t just happen in by chance-----God sends Him.

7. (Verse 22)-----When He breathes on you something happens:

a. The Holy Ghost comes on you

b. Fear turns to joy

c. You receive power from upon high

8. His power is bigger than your problem.

9. At His presence unclean spirits and even the devil has to flee.

10. And He has the power to make Him take heartache, depression, sickness, and disease off

you when he goes.

11. (Verse 24&25)-----Your ideas and openions will change when He shows up.

12. What you might have said you would have to see before you could believe will change when

He shows up.

13. Thomas made a statement like that:

a.He said, " I have to see the nail prints and put my finger in them and see

the whole in His side and put my hand in it before I can believe."

14. But when Jesus showed up and offered to let Thomas do as he had said, it was different

than Thomas thought. At the presence and in the power of the Lord, Thomas proclaimed,

"My Lord and my God."

15. I can promise you, when He shows up, you will shout my Lord and my God, and at that

moment your walls will come tumbling down.

16. This morning we are believing that the Lord is going to show up because we have been

obedient to what He has told us to do.

17. Because of prayer and fasting, there is nothing impossible to us this morning.

18. I want to encourage you now to begin to make your mind and spirit ready to receive from

God this morning whatever you need.

19. We tend to complicate a simple process by reminding ourselves how bad our situation

is and how long we have had whatever problem we have and nothing has ever changed.

20. Just make up your mind this morning that you are not going home like you came, if you

need a healing.

21. Just in the New Testiment in about five minutes I saw about seventy-five times that the Lord

was involved in healing.

22. But that was Jesus Himself, so our situation is different--------Right?

23. The Bible says in Acts 14 that Paul was preaching the gospel and that a cripple man that had

never walked, since birth, heard him and had faith to be healed. Paul said with a loud voice,

"Stand up-right on thy feet." And he leaped and walked.

24. If Jesus is the same yesterday, and today, and forever and He is-----And if He is no

respector of persons, and He is not, than you can be healed here this morning if you

have faith in God.

25. If you think you will not be healed this morning because you could not fast,(Hear me),

someone fasted for you.

26. All can receive from God here this morning if there is no doubting.

27. You can’t even wonder about it and be healed------come on, God means business and

He expects for you to.

28. He just wants you to show up, get up, come up, and wait up and let Him fix you up.

29. You have to want it more than you are worring about what might happen when you

feel His touch and what others might say or think.

30. In a room with other people, you are going to have to get alone with your healing God

and get serious about it.

31. You have the need, He has the power, you can receive, this is your hour.

32. Smith Wigglesworth saw 14 people raised from the dead.

33. God used Him and He can use anyone that will obey Him.

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