
When God Speaks, He is Present

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Jun 21, 2024
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When we hear God speak, we are encountering His presence. God speaks to us in various ways, and when we hear His voice, it is a personal encounter with Him.

When God Speaks, He is Present

Youth Group Plan: When God Speaks, He is Present (Job 38:1-11, 1 Kings 19:11-13, Job 42:1-6)

Youth Sermon: When God Speaks, He is Present

Imagine if you got a text from God

Hey guys, let's talk about something cool. You know how you're always on your phones, texting, chatting, and scrolling? Imagine if you got a text from God. Sounds crazy, right? But that's kind of what happened to a guy named Job in the Bible.

Job was a good guy, but he had a really rough time. He lost everything and was in a lot of pain. He was like, "God, why is this happening?" He didn't have a Bible or a youth pastor to help him understand. He felt like God was being unfair.

Then, out of nowhere, God spoke to Job. Not through a text, but through a storm. It was like God was saying, "Hey, I'm here. I'm listening."

Imagine if you got a text from God.

God's text to Job

Imagine you're in the middle of a storm, and your phone buzzes. It's a text from God. He's not explaining why you're in the storm, but He's letting you know He's there with you. That's what happened to Job.

God told Job that he didn't know everything. Job didn't understand God's plans. God's text was like, "You don't know everything, but I do. Trust me."

God's presence in the storm

Sometimes, we want God to explain everything. Why we're hurting, why things are tough. But God doesn't always give us the answers. Instead, He gives us His presence. He's there with us, in the storm, in the pain.

When we hear God speak, it's like getting a text from Him. It's a personal message, just for us. Job went from knowing about God to really knowing Him, because he heard God speak.

Knowing God personally

A lot of us know about God. We know the Bible stories, we know the rules. But knowing about God isn't the same as knowing God. It's like knowing about a celebrity versus actually being friends with them.

We should want to really know God, like we know our best friends. We can have unexpected chats with God, just like Paul did on the road to Damascus, or the two guys on the road to Emmaus.

Listen for God's voice

So, here's the deal. Listen for God's voice in your life. When you hear Him speak, know that He's right there with you. He loves you and wants to be your friend. You can chat with Him anytime, anywhere. Let those chats change your life.

Let's pray. God, help us to hear Your voice in our lives. Help us to know You're with us, even in the storms. Help us to trust You, even when we don't understand. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Have you ever felt God speaking to you? How did it happen?

2. How can we differentiate between our thoughts and God's voice?

3. Why do you think God chose to speak to Job in the midst of his suffering?

4. How can we cultivate a personal relationship with God beyond just knowing about Him?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Stormy Encounters

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