
Summary: Seven is a principle that releases God to work supernaturally in our favor. Learn how to put it to work in your life

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Naaman was

· A great man

· God had wrought deliverance by him

· Naaman had a problem

It would be appropriate to say right here that great men, are not perfect men. Regardless of how strong someone may appear to be, they are only human and as humans they have problems too.

This is good news because it tells us that God uses imperfect people.

In other words: You or I do not have to be perfect, without fault or weakness or shortcomings for God to use us.

In fact it was the apostle Paul that said: His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

That ought to encourage somebody right now who has been sitting on the sidelines because your still wrestling with an issue in your flesh, or you are still fighting certain fleshy desires, or you are struggling with a habit.

(You did not have to answer a questionnaire or pass a physical or spiritual examine to be saved, you just had to call upon the name of the Lord.)

Naaman was a great man not only because he was a great warrior, but also because he was willing to admit he had a problem.

It takes a certain amount of greatness in a man or a woman, to admit they have a problem (most people are quick to point out everybody else’s problem) while conveniently overlooking their own.

There was something else that was great about Naaman, he had learned the art of listening, and he heard from a little slave girl that there was a prophet in Israel who could help her master.

We have to stop here and talk about this little maid: What a wonderful Christian spirit she showed.

While most slave girls would have been happy to hear of their captor’s illness, she desired his well-being.

She exemplifies Jesus teachings:

Matt 5:44

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

If she would have been like most people she would have enjoyed watching her enemy suffer, and called it pay back.

She directed Naaman To the Prophet: She knew where the power was,

One of the most important things in your life is to know where the power is.

Padded pews and stained glass windows do not add up to power

a five pound cross around your neck and a family bible under your arm does not add up to power.

There can be great talent, great skill, great recognition among men, but that still does not add up to power.

Too many people are looking for prestige, when they should be looking for power.

Paul the Apostle Said:

But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power.

For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.

1 Cor 4:19-20

Naaman appeals to the King.

Naaman assumes that position is power; if there is any power he assumes it must be with the King

The king interprets Naamans request as an effort to start a fight.

Why? Because he is powerless to help him, so rather than to admit his impotency he accuses Naaman of being a troublemaker.

Just because a person has a position before men, does not mean they have a relationship with God.

Religion can never substitute for the reality of relationship.

When religion can’t produce, it always shifts the blame.

Religious people will never say: It’s my fault, I’m not where I need to be with God, I’m sorry I haven’t been praying and fasting like I should, I’m sorry it’s not God, and it’s not you, it’s me.

No: When religion can’t produce it will always shift the blame

It’s your lack of faith

It’s your environment

It’s just one of those things, Only God knows.

It’s probably just not his will

The prophet of God sends a message to redirect Naaman (Send him to me) Sometimes God has to redirect our faith, yes Naaman had faith, enough to get him moving, but it was misguided, he assumed that power was with position, he assumed that he who had power with men, also had power with God.

Naaman arrives at the prophet’s home

The prophet does not meet him personally but sends out a messenger

This is the first blow to Naamans pride

The messenger tells Naaman to go and dip 7 times in the Jordan River and he will be healed

Naamans pride takes another hit (he becomes angry)

Why is he angry?

1. Because he had preconceived ideas of how he would receive his blessing.

Oh I think we could preach there for awhile, (how many of us have our preconceived ideas of how we want God to bless us, (we want to tell God when, how, where, how much, and who to use) to get our blessings to us.

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