
When God Remembers: The Turning of Tables

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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In the face of adversity, God's remembrance can turn situations around for good. Haman's plot against Mordecai backfired because God had opened a book of remembrance for Mordecai.


When we think of a king, we often associate wealth, power, authority, and grandeur with their position. However, it is important to note that in the life of a king, there are also challenges and difficulties. In the book of Esther, we see how God works in the life of a king to bring about His divine plan. This sermon explores the concept of God opening a book of remembrance and how it can impact our lives.


Esther 6:1-end (NIV)

Usually, when we think of a king, we envision a life filled with luxury and success. However, God has a way of working in the lives of kings that includes both blessings and trials. In the story of Esther, we witness how God orchestrates events to fulfill His purposes.

God's Work When He Opens a Book of Remembrance

1. All things work together for our good (Romans 8:28):

When God opens a book of remembrance for us, He ensures that all circumstances and situations in our lives work together for our benefit. Even when others plot evil against us, God can turn it around for our good. Just as Haman's plot to destroy Mordecai resulted in his own downfall and Mordecai's elevation, God can use adversity to bring about honor and dignity in our lives.

2. God overrules the plans of our adversaries:

When God opens a book of remembrance, He has the power to overrule the intentions and schemes of our enemies. No matter what plots or schemes they devise against us, God can turn them around for our favor. Just as Haman's plan to harm Mordecai was foiled, God can protect us from the schemes of our adversaries.

3. God uses adversity for our salvation:

In His wisdom, God can use the very things that our enemies intend for harm to bring about our salvation. Just as the Red Sea, which Pharaoh thought would destroy the Israelites, became the means of their deliverance, God can use difficult circumstances to bring about our salvation and freedom.

4. Adversaries cannot prevail against us:

When God opens a book of remembrance, it becomes too late for our adversaries to prevail against us. Their plans and schemes are rendered ineffective because God is on our side. Just as Haman's plot against Mordecai was ultimately unsuccessful, our enemies will not succeed in their efforts to harm us.


In the story of Esther, we see how God opened a book of remembrance for Mordecai and turned the tables on his enemies. When God opens a book of remembrance for us, He ensures that all things work together for our good, overrules the plans of our adversaries, uses adversity for our salvation, and prevents our enemies from prevailing against us.

As believers, it is important for us to consider what will be found written in our own book of remembrance. Will we be found faithful servants of God? Will our actions and deeds reflect a life lived in accordance with His will? Let us strive to live in a way that pleases God so that when our book is opened, we will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven.

Let us pray.

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