
When All You Have Is A Maybe

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 3, 2023
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Explores faith, courage, and divine intervention, emphasizing the power of belief in God's favor and action, even against seemingly impossible odds.


Good morning, family of faith. I am delighted to be standing here today, sharing the living word of God with you all. We gather here, not as strangers or mere acquaintances, but as brothers and sisters in Christ, bound together by the love that He has so generously poured out upon us. We are here, not just to listen, but to actively engage with the divine words that have the power to transform our hearts and minds.

Today, we turn our hearts and minds to the book of 1 Samuel, chapter 14, verses 1 through 7. These verses tell a tale of faith, courage, and divine intervention. They are a testament to the power of believing in God's favor, the bravery required to battle against the odds, and the awe-inspiring moments when God steps in to change the course of our lives.

Believing in God's Favor

When we look at the story of Jonathan and his armor-bearer, we see a young man who was not afraid to face the enemy. He was not deterred by the size of the Philistine army or the formidable reputation they had. Instead, he was confident in the favor of God. He knew that with God on his side, he could conquer any enemy, no matter how strong or numerous they might be. This is a powerful example for us today.

Personal battles: We may not be facing a physical army, but we all have our battles. We all have situations in our lives that seem impossible to overcome. It could be a health issue, a financial crisis, a broken relationship, or a personal struggle. These battles can seem overwhelming and insurmountable. But just like Jonathan, we can face these battles with confidence, knowing that we have the favor of God.

Not something we earn or deserve: It is a gift, freely given to us because of His love for us. It is His divine approval, His blessing on our lives. It is His promise to be with us, to guide us, to protect us, and to give us victory. When we believe in God's favor, we can face any challenge with courage and confidence.

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More than facing challenges: It is also about living a life that is pleasing to God. When we live in obedience to His commands, when we seek His will in all we do, when we love and serve others, we are living in His favor. We are aligning ourselves with His purposes, and He blesses us with His favor.

Jonathan's faith in God's favor: It was not a passive belief. It was an active faith that led him to take action. He did not sit back and wait for God to do something. He stepped out in faith, confident that God would act in his favor. This is a challenge for us today. We are called to be active in our faith, to step out in obedience, trusting that God will act in our favor.

The power of partnership: Jonathan did not go into battle alone. He had his armor-bearer with him, a young man who was with him heart and soul. This is a reminder for us that we are not meant to do life alone. We are meant to be in community, to support and encourage each other, to stand together in the face of challenges. When we do this, we experience the favor of God in a powerful way.

Not limited by our circumstances: Jonathan was facing a large and powerful enemy. The odds were against him. But he knew that nothing could hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few. This is a powerful reminder for us today. No matter what we are facing, no matter how impossible the situation may seem, God's favor is not limited by our circumstances. He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

Battling Against the Odds

As we continue to examine the story of Jonathan and his armor-bearer, we find ourselves in the midst of a battle scene ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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